Question USB Bluetooth


Sep 2, 2015
I have multiple bluetooth devices noted in my Device Manager. I'm having problems with my Logitech trackball maintaining connection.

1) Why do I need so many Bluetooth dongles?

2) How can I determine which dongle is associated with my trackball so I can diagnose problems.

3) How did bluetooth turn from a universal access method to proprietary wasteland?

thanks in advance
Note that not ALL of those "devices" listed in the DM are actually devices, but rather the software/driver components and/or services that are required to make bluetooth work on certain devices... some are generic & built into windows, others are only installed if required, and still others are loaded dynamically only if/when a specific BT device is in use

I currently use a BT KB, mouse & soundbar on my main rig, yet DM shows 8 additional things that are associated with BT "services"...