[SOLVED] utorrent content avaliablity and open source switching


Sep 12, 2011
are the software and files that are available on utorrent are the same on itunes and google play? i want to be able to get the same content that's on itunes and google play on utorrent like podcasts, tv shows/movies and music and i want them to be legitimate content not the pirated stuff that I remember always finding on there the last time I used utorrent and other bit torrents.

Also is there open source software were I can "manage" my iphone like I can in itunes?
There is no open source software that you can manage your iPhone with you have to use Apple software

Some years back there was a program that you could use that "was" (not) iTunes and allowed considerable control over i devices. I seriously doubt that the software flaw/window that allowed that at the time is still available.
What really sort of stank for me about that was I used it on several devices I had at the time. The phone is LONG gone, but the pods were found in a drawer. I cannot for the life of me recall what that program was. Among the things is did was to keep the device from phoning home within iTunes and I cannot flash them back to stock again.