Question VEGA 64 or RTX 2070

May 12, 2019

Just trying to decide whether to get a RTX 2070 for £460 or a RX Vega 64 for £360. Now I realise the value in the Vega 64 but I have a g sync monitor so I'd like to hear your thoughts. I've never owned a AMD card before so I'm slighty hesitant but the price difference is too large to ignore.

Thanks for any replies
The RTX 2070 is faster in most cases. The Vega card uses a ton of juice and produces a lot of heat too. I own a AMD card atm and it works great, minus gameplay capture. Thats been broke since I got it. They are a better value in many cases over Nvidia too. You don't say what refresh rate or resolution, but between the two, I would bite the bullet and pay more for the Nvidia card. One other thing, Freesync works great for me and Im sure you'll fin that Gsync does as well.