With Sprint, I can totally agree. They are crap. I was with them for a while more like 7 months and than I called it quits.
I switch back to T-mobile and I have not looked back once. I get unlimited everything and 7GB tethering a month for 64 dollars Total. Yes that includes tax and fees.
Is Verizon network far better than T-Mobile, yes I can get behind that argument that you make. But match plan for plan... Verizons network is not that much better to be paying that much more for service.
I for one will never go to Verizon. I have had friends of mine that were on Verizon and came to T-mobile. All of them told me the same thing, Verizon is a bit more reliable but the money they save now is crazy and don't think the service Verizon offers is anything worth what they are asking.
But at the same time, I am not anyone to say that others are wrong to be on a specific network. Everyone has the right to spend there money how they please.
As I have said, $30 for 1GB of data.... Verizon must be out of there minds.
I will finish with this... I am glad that you are enjoying your service with Verizon.
Don't get me wrong, i don't like the prices either, their quite high.
30$ per gig is insane. I get their wireless signals and those waves are quite crowded vs the amount of space we're able to give them, but still, good golly. But the US is notoriously awful for high speed internet all the way around :/ Be it wireless or landline, from prices to bandwidth. I'm not thrilled for everything the FCC does, but I'm hoping their recent pushes will get that problem a bit more fixed.
But at the very least, (in my area anyway) verizon is good service, even if pricey.
We did look at t-mobile though, but their listed 4g coverage wasn't very good in areas we'd travel to, and seemed a bit spotty here even. But beyond that, I can't say to them, I don't want to argue a company I've not used before^^
I liked that sprint had unlimited data for a lower price (esp if you did a best buy plan that was like 140 total... ish) that was really nice, even though i'd hardly use more then a gig, and 1.5 on my partners phone, but the wireless quality was terrible :/
What kind of service do you get through T mobile?
Seems like good pricing plans at least.