I recently built my PC and tried to post for the first time today. It went successfully and i managed to get into the bios. I booted from a USB that had Windows on and it seemed to be going well. I selected the M.2 to install windows on and went through the wizard. It required a restart so i did. Then once booted, i had to go through the same wizard again, so i did. This time in the drives it showed another drive that i presume were the windows files that had just been installed. I selected my M.2 again. Once it had complete, when it tried to boot, it went black screen and hasn't posted since. The VGA LED on the motherboard is now on.
Things to note:
I've tried with and without my gpu, neither work.
I have tried to reset BIOS
I took out the M.2 drive to see if it would try to boot off of the hardrive but no difference
In the bios in the boot priority list, my M.2 wasn't listed. However it was shown to be connected and was clearly working because windows could see it. The current priorities are USB then HDD.
I left everything default in the bios so CSM is on, not UEFI. I tried UEFI before this whole thing, but that didnt work and required me to reset the bios which leads to this ordeal.
My specs are here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4b4y7T
Thanks for any help given
Things to note:
I've tried with and without my gpu, neither work.
I have tried to reset BIOS
I took out the M.2 drive to see if it would try to boot off of the hardrive but no difference
In the bios in the boot priority list, my M.2 wasn't listed. However it was shown to be connected and was clearly working because windows could see it. The current priorities are USB then HDD.
I left everything default in the bios so CSM is on, not UEFI. I tried UEFI before this whole thing, but that didnt work and required me to reset the bios which leads to this ordeal.
My specs are here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4b4y7T
Thanks for any help given