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Apr 21, 2019
Just built my first pc and I’m not getting a post, pc will turn on fine apart from one rgb Corsair fan and the VGA white light is on on my rog motjerboard how do i fix this
That’s a very good first pc. Normally I would say check every connection on every device (including cpu, in particular make sure it’s the right way up and non of the pins are bent or missing) and cable by unplugging them and putting them back in.
In section 1.1.8 of your motherboards user manual it says the light will stay on until the problem is resolved. As it's the vga light that's on I would start by double checking the gpu is properly seated and power cables and display cable are properly connected to it and the monitor. You could even try a different pci slot.

You could take out the gpu all together and try booting from the integrated graphics, atleast that way you will know if everything else is working OK.

Edit: Actually your motherboard might be displaying from the integrated gpu by default. Try connecting your monitor to it via the motherboards display socket and you may get a picture. If so go to the bios and there will be an option to display from the gpu by default.
Yeh I tried the igpu and still nothing so I don’t think it’s a gpu problem so maybe it’s a ram problem as when I remove the ram I don’t get the vga light I just get the boot light
Do you actually know what the boot and vga light mean on my ASUs mb
I’ve not had this issue myself but the instructions say the led’s are supposed to make troubleshooting “simple”, if the vga light is on it indicates an issue with the vga card. That’s all we’ve got to go on. Looking at other users with similar problems a simple reset has helped or flashing the bios, the problem is I don’t see how you can flash the bios without being able to see it.

What does your monitor do when you turn on the pc?
I’ve not had this issue myself but the instructions say the led’s are supposed to make troubleshooting “simple”, if the vga light is on it indicates an issue with the vga card. That’s all we’ve got to go on. Looking at other users with similar problems a simple reset has helped or flashing the bios, the problem is I don’t see how you can flash the bios without being able to see it.

What does your monitor do when you turn on the pc?
My monitor does absolutely nothing no signal goes to the tv , how do I do a simple reset then
Pressing the reset button had resolved it for some, I don’t think this will help you though. As your monitor isn’t even coming out of standby it can’t be receiving a signal, not even a blank screen. Can you try a different port, display cable and hdmi. What tv are you using and does it work with other devices?

Edit: if you have a different display, please also try that.
Some tv’s won’t display a signal unless you go into the settings and set it to PC mode and just double check you are displaying the correct hdmi channel if there is more than one hdmi port. If you have a friend or neighbour who can let you test it on their screen and display cable that would be ideal.
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