Video card for ~$100


Apr 8, 2011
First, I know this exact question has been asked 1,000 times. The reason I make another thread is that a lot of the links in the other posts are broken, or Newegg has deactivated the product.

I'm looking for the best video card on the market today for ~$100.

Power is not an issue. Heat *is* an issue. It is imperative my PC never shuts down.

I'm currently leaning towards:

Questions: Does the "256-bit" vs "128-bit" matter as much as I think it does? I know the RAM is fairly irrelevant.

Also, why do the nVidia cards (or a lot of cards, for that matter) not list how many "bits" they have? They list amount of "processing units/cores," which Radeon cards never list. What's up with that?

System specs:

Sabertooth x58
24 gb tri-channel 1600 RAM
Corsair TX650 V2 650W
for the most part video cards under $100 isnt very hot. i have a 5750 OC to 800/1200 and on full load is about 60C. maybe you need more air intake. and check for dust bunnies...

I don't have a video card yet. I'm looking to buy one.

And just to be clear, it doesn't have to be under $100, just near it.

I've read that. It didn't give me many options.
It didn't? Maybe you should read it again, it gives you all your options, which I have so nicely listed for you.

However you failed to tell us if you even have a pci-e slot. You also failed to tell us what cpu or psu you have, so nobody can really recommend one over the other.

It does not give me "all of my options." The GTS 250 is performing on par w/ the HD 4850 for less, and that article does not mention it.

But I'm building a new computer, and have these parts picked out:

Sabertooth x58
24 gb tri-channel 1600 RAM
Corsair TX650 V2 650W
Neither does it mention the 4850.

Dude seriously, it lists the BEST CARDS FOR THE MONEY period, which is what you said you wanted to the T. If you don't want the best card for the money, then buy something thats not.

GTS250 is not on par with HD4850, it's a redesigned 8800GT.

If you want the best NVIDIA card for under $100, why didnt you just say so??
24GB of ram and a under $100 video card? ROFL

Why on Earth would you build a new computer on s1366???? And why on Earth would you need 24gb of ram??

You need to do some serious reading, or post the new build form in the new build section so the forum can persuade you not to do something so foolish.

... I think you need to trust that I know my own needs. I have a similar computer built already. If you're going to be this unhelpful, I'd appreciate it if you stopped posting.

Now, please. Would someone be so kind as to answer my questions? :]

Just a clip from my computer right now (also running a ~$100 video card):

Your not getting it. A s1155 2600K would absolutely destroy a i7-960 for a few more dollars. A Z68 motherboard would be cheaper than a X58 motherboard, only requires dual channel ram and will be upgrade able to Intels next gen top of the line cpu, Ivy Bridge next year. You will not be able to upgrade your X58 to Ivy Bridge. It's a dead end. Intel is moving to s2011 to replace s1366. It's a dead platform.

Take my advice, post a new build form in the new build section and everyone on this forum will tell you the exact same thing.

Oh and I answered your question at least 3 times now, your not paying attention. You said "I'm looking for the best video card for $100". I linked you an article called "The best video cards for the money", which breaks it down by price. If you can't figure it out, then I suggest you get someone who can to read the article for you.

I understand that. 8gb RAM sticks are not affordable, and I use every 24 gb that I currently have. Dual channel is not an option.
Really, looks like your only using 12GB, and 8GB sticks being unaffordable is a sad reason to build on a dead platform.

8GB stick prices will come down very soon. Don't be foolish and build another computer on a dead, non upgrade able socket.

The cpu performance alone would negate any ram deficit.

The i7-2600K will absolutely pummel a i7-960 all day long, while using less watts, and it's overclockable to 4.5-5ghz.

The i7-965Extreme only wins 1 benchmark against the i7-2600K. It's not even close.

16GB (4x4gb) of dual channel ddr3 1600 ram would be about $60 after rebates, your telling me you can't use that until the 8gb's come down?
You should have said you already had the parts from the start. sigh.

I answered your question at least 3 times, what part are you not comprehending?

Your question: I want the best video card I can get for $100.

My answer: I linked a article called "The best graphics cards for the money", which lists them by dollar amounts.

If you can't figure it out, I suggest you find someone that can comprehend it for you.

Thanks for the condescension, but that was not my only question.

Besides, if I was looking to build a totally new rig, I'd have posted in the appropriate forum. If I was looking to buy a video card, I'd post here.
Just to recap for the slow people.

Best card you can get for under $100: 5670/6670

Best card you can get for under $100 (after rebate): 5770/6770

Best Nvidia card for under $100: GTX460 1GB, if you can find one. Or GTS450, which would get smoked by the AMD choices I listed above.

Still not answering my other questions.
Since they are still in stock, and you're going for the budget approach, perhaps you'd consider the GTX 260 which is still being sold by Newegg? Beyond that GeekApproved is right, I would recommend the Sapphire 6770 which ends up being $100.00. Any of the other options for the same price are less pure performance, so it's up to you.

That the one? I'll look up some info on it, thanks.

Can you really find GTX 460 1GB for under 100!?!?! That's insane. I'm buying two for my build in a couple weeks and I'm looking at 150 a piece. 😱

You do NOT want a GTX260.

It's last generation old architecture, runs hot, and uses 300w under load.

Besides thats the old 192sp model, not the 216sp model, which replaced it.