
Jan 17, 2001
I did every thing you guys stated and the site you sent me to was informative on virtual memory. The PC in question has 374 megs of DDR 2700 and probably shares 64 with video. I set the low at 50 and the high at the recommended size of 1147. I thus get an virtual memory message later " Your system memory is low on virtual memory, windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file". the system said anything less then 775 may not be enough. I increased the 50 to 1000 and it seems to work well. What do you make of this? Thanks Bruce


Feb 24, 2006
I'm sure you could set your page file to a fixed size, such as 500/500, which would be more than adequate, and those messages would not bother you anymore, not to mention you'll regain half a gig of hard disk space. I have 256 MB of ram, and my page file is set at a fixed 256 MB. I never seem to have more than 160 in the page file at max. At startup windos XP is only page filing 60 MB on my computer.


Recommended page file is 1.5 times the amount of memory your computer has. If it's low, it doesn't hurt to bump it up to 2x.

The larger your page file, the more impact is MAY have on your performance as there is more page file space that needs to be searched for needed information.


Jan 16, 2006
Optimize the Page File
"Virtual Memory is the space on the hard disk Windows uses as RAM. The Page File (Pagefile.sys) serves as temporary, virtual memory storage for code and data." - Source
Instructions - Go to "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel", "System", "Advanced" tab, in the "Performance" section select "Settings", "Advanced" tab, in the "Virtual Memory" section select "Change". Change the values to:
- Initial size (MB): 1.5 x the amount of RAM in your system
- Maximum size (MB): 3.0 x the amount of RAM in your system (PF Size Limit = 4095 MB)
Then select "Set" and "OK" and reboot.