VirtualBox or Dual Boot

What would You do when you need/want XP

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Sep 22, 2011
I tend to recomend VirtualBox for xp on windows 7 64bit when people tell me they need windows xp as i find most current PC's are over spec'ed for windows xp and there are not the driver problems when you use VirtualBox
I prefer to use a VM vs. dual boot. It much easier to uninstall a VM then it is to try to remove items from boot menu's and reclaim the partitions left behind when removing an OS.

I didn't pick any of you choices since I believe that Using a VM should replace VM virtualbox. A lot of people, including myself, use VMWare.
have spent some time reading up about VMWear and do see your point seams like a good program but it should be at the price there ask.
i dont think i can change the text from VirtualBox to VM Software or i would.