You don't. The motherboard has sensors in various places, pretty much wherever there's room to stick one, in between the myriad of other stuff. You'll find them under the cpu, somewhere near the socket, next to the VRM's, next to Sata controllers etc. Very few components actually have thermal strips included in their makeup, like a cpu/gpu does.
I'm not so sure aida64 is being your friend to be honest, can't remember the last pc that had a cpu cooling fan that'd max at 10k rpm and I don't remember ever seeing a chassis fan that'd spin from 316rpm low to almost 2600rpm max.
I'm guessing that Aida64 uses AVX technologies in its stress test, and you have a 0MHz AVX offset set for that OC. Which will not only jack up temps unreasonably, but also mess with power usage.
Personally, I'd double check those results with HWInfo (NOT Hwmonitor!) and check the sensors only box. Use Prime95 v26.6, small fft.