Wait, now I DO see a reason to go Intel


Sep 24, 2001
<A HREF="http://hardocp.com/article.html?art=NjAzLDQ=" target="_new">2.4A o/c article at HardOCP</A>

Things change, and you got to adapt in this industry or die.

Intel has a killer CPU out.
Frankly, AMD is caught with their pants down here.
They have no new CPU at this price point ($140US), and even if they did it wouldnt o/c like this beast.

I go price/performance and this little gem might be the ticket for me.

I posted my last post to find out if there were ANY compelling arguments to go Intel and I found little. Though Scouts experiences were my first indication.. this article confirms it.

The 2.4A rocks.

$140 is RIGHT up my alley. I dont like to spend an incredible amount on a CPU as I prefer to spend that on a GPU.
A $200 A64 3000+ was PUSHING what I considered reasonable for a consumer processor.

A processor that hits 3.3ghz with SSE3 even without HT sounds like the hot ticket for cheapskates who dont need or want the extreme cutting edge sounds good to my ears.

I'm pulling some stocks out, and I think this is the prime choice for a new computer to use with my future NV40.
Plus, you get to use Intel chipsets (which rule all).. so that will be nice to be able to do once again.

This isnt "flip-flopping" on my part, this is a breaking article that presents a very powerful choice in the CPU market.


<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Quite nice. Shame about the hyperthreading though, but definitely worth considering...

I've decided I'm going with watercooling for my next big upgrade, but that won't be for a few months yet, so I'll keep an eye on this, especially later steppings. reminds me of the 1.6A Northwood.

Still probably going to OC an A64 on S939 though I reckon... I'll have to see what's about when I buy I guess.

Epox 8RDA+ rev1.1 w/ Custom NB HS
XP1700+ @205x11 (~2.26Ghz), 1.575Vcore
2x256Mb Corsair PC3200LL 2-2-2-4
Sapphire 9800Pro 420/744
Read that awhile ago. About the 2.4 Scotty being a high OCer. Wait till new DO stepping comes out for all Scotties.For that price you can't go wrong. Since that's all you want to spend on Cpu.
yup, that chip rox! Intel chipsets are vastly superior to anything out there atm.

1GB DDR333 - INTEL Pentium 4 2.8B - ATI RADEON 9800 PRO - Asus P4P800 - 80GB - 430w Antec
<A HREF="http://arc.aquamark3.com/arc/arc_view.php?run=143037679" target="_new">38,476 Aquamarks</A>
I just read that too, it's a great chip. It's truly a shame that they didn't enable HT, but hey, if they did, there'd be no reason to buy any other P4!

It's interesting to see that HardOCP said it looks as if this processor runs a lot smoother than even other prescotts (meaning: cooler!). I hope Intel can perfect its 90nm process. And, while they're at it, they might as well show us what's up with Scotty's obscene transistor count...

<i><font color=red>You never change the existing reality by fighting it. Instead, create a new model that makes the old one obsolete</font color=red> - Buckminster Fuller </i>
Yeah useful post, nothing is vastly superior, but whatever. Anyway, that is looking very promising. Id like to see how it ocmpares to the athlon xp 2500+ as far as pushing the envelope for overclocking. I do think though that that chip is definitley the ebst buy, if it performs as they say, the barton 2500+ at 89 with an nforce 2 chipset are still a great buy too. Im also waiting to see how the athlon 64 2800+ at 170 performs, overclocking wise, with the nforce 3 250. I doubt it will be as high, but should be better then before.
i wish they would publish what the max stable overclock was...not just the overclock where everything <i>seemed</i> ok. I would have also liked to see this compared to a 2.4c running at its max overclock (say around 3.4ghz).

If it isn't a P6 then it isn't a processor
110% BX fanboy
Doesnt seem that great to me, I think I would still go with the 2.8c its around the same price and I still trust the northwood core more. You gotta remember they could have just had a very good CPU.

P4 2.6@3.38
512Mb PC4000
2x120Gb 7200.7 in RAID0
Waterchill KT12-L30
Abit AI7
Ge-Force4 Ti4200
I think i'll stick with my o/c xp-m 2500+ running at 200x11=2200mhz, and by the way there is no reason to go with the 2.4a if there isn't HT. HT is what gives intel it's spark. a 2.4a running at 3.3ghz will run about the same as a athon xp running at 2.2-2.4 because the lack of ht.
Newegg prices: 2.4ghz p4a $151 vs 2.4ghz p4c $165=$14 difference!

Pros: save $14
has sse3

Cons:fsb 533
no hyperthreading
runs 8 degrees hotter

Looks inferior to the p4c even with the pros and no match for any of the amd 64s,intel cheapskates should still choose the p4 c's and amd cheapskates have the mobile bartons and the new 64 2800.Prescotts will make your cat happy-assuming you don't have a blowhole :smile:
Doesnt seem that great to me, I think I would still go with the 2.8c its around the same price and I still trust the northwood core more. You gotta remember they could have just had a very good CPU.

True. But this review is based off a CPU from the retail channel.. so its highly likely your going to get one similar.

Its just as likely as any AMD o/c article, or any retail CPU review for that matter.
Or just as unlikely, however you want to look at it. :smile:

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Poster: piii_Man
Subject: Re: Wait, now I DO see a reason to go Intel

i wish they would publish what the max stable overclock was...not just the overclock where everything seemed ok. I would have also liked to see this compared to a 2.4c running at its max overclock (say around 3.4ghz).


I dont know why they didnt just push the voltage up until it WAS completely stable under Prime95.. kinda seemed silly to me as well.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
I wish you would make your mind up! You don't see, wait: maybe you do; well, quite possibly you could be right or wrong, but wait; there is an old DEC in the closet! Maybe that's the answer! Never-the-less, tomorrow you will see things differently.

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Now, let's eat!
I wish you would make your mind up! You don't see, wait: maybe you do; well, quite possibly you could be right or wrong, but wait; there is an old DEC in the closet! Maybe that's the answer! Never-the-less, tomorrow you will see things differently.

Actually I very well might!
I call myself a NV fanboy, a AMD fanboy.. but you know from my years of being a part of THGC I've found I'm actually one of the least fanboyish of all that exist here.
I may toot my horn, and very loudly.. but I am a true child of the Information Age, or whatever age we're in now.

I can adapt very well and I follow trends well. I think this is crucial for any person that makes their living in the tech industry with any proficiency, as I do.
Or you will ultimately fail.
Its not "just a job" working in the field, its a lifestyle that must be adhered to.

Its not like you like a Chevy over a Ford for decades cuz a Chevy has the 350 small block (my personal all-time favorite).
This industry is very different.

At least, thats how I see things.

So I'm actually pretty proud of myself to be able to go back and forth in a way..


<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Quickly, Kinney, go find a post by Phial and down at the bottom you will see a hyperlink that says, "Do not click on this". Go ahead, click on it and see what the rest of the world thinks of you!

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Now, let's eat!
I suppose I didnt realize you were actually trying to attack me with your comments.
Thats lame.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Just kidding, but seriously, a lot of newbies are reading these posts trying to decide what to buy. Yesterday you scared them off of P4's and today you like them? Nothing personal, but the thread turned into a symposium on world politics. Chess, anyone?

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Now, let's eat!
The 'noobies' need to learn to think for themselves and examine both posts.

Before this OCP article I was curious about Prescott, but at the given price point, didnt see much reason to get one over a A64 2800/3000+ or if you needed cheaper a 2500+ mobile or not.

Now though, Prescott has earned its right as a viable CPU in my mind and I'd certainly buy this 2.4A over any other CPU under $150.

The world politics started because P4man posted there and he likes VIA because they are anti-American, and his discrimination against Asians who dont speak perfect English is disgustingly ethnocentric.. just a few of his twisted viewpoints.
Heh, I wont go there any further.
But you were probably owed an explanation for that stuff in the other thread.

But I never "disliked" P4s. I just like to get down to the bacon on what to buy and what not to buy.. so I hope I help out some noobz.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
Nothing wrong with the 2.4 prescott looks like great value for the enthusiast overclocker.

Looks to me like all your recent posts are about trying to provoke a response out of p4man because you got your azz spanked so hard in the (others) forum. Am I right or are you going to deny that?

These are just forums to share knowledge ideas and to disagree agree and learn. Yes we all make mistakes get our back up based on our opinions. That's what I like most about THGF's,

Problem is you seem bitter when somebody does not agree with you. Sometimes you just got to let things go.

So what if p4-man's not a war mongeror he knows more about the high tech industry than you me and many others here combined.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
Am I right or are you going to deny that?
Yep your wrong.
He is a hypocrite.
If I must explain myself and my views on that guy I will.
He claimed Omid said a ethnic slur against him, and then he has his own problems with known asian posters that dont speak proper English. Among other things.

If you honestly think his lack of answers and defeat in the Other forum was in any way a "win" you've got to be kidding.

So now whats your problem? You agree with P4mans views?
If not why do you care?

THIS, is a CPU forum... does that register with you?
If you wish to talk about other things then address me in the Other forum.
Last time I respond to things referring to 'Other' chatter.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>
In Michigan, if you see an old, rusty, beatup, unmaintained car driving around, chances are it's an Oldsmobile. The OLDS 350 was a FAR superior engine to the Chevy 350, little things like the milled 7 bolt rocker cover rail meant no oil leaks, and GM dropped it only because the Chevy was cheaper to produce. In fact GM made several attempts to cheapen the Olds block before discontinuing it.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>

Now though, Prescott has earned its right as a viable CPU in my mind and I'd certainly buy this 2.4A over any other CPU under $150.

I was at a local computer fair 10 days ago and guess what? Guys were selling USED unlocked 2500XP Bartons for anywhere from $120.00 to $140.00! And people were buying them! An unlocked XP1700 for $80.00? I bought a new retail boxed 2.8C from a kid who was convinced he needed an A64 for $170.00. I did not buy his brand new IS7 with all the trimmings for $60.00. Nooooooooooo, I bought a used MSI 875 Neo-FIS2R in the $180.00 retail box with all the pretty pictures for $95.00. When I got home I noticed it was Version 1! I got on the MSI web-site and went through pages and pages of problems with build 1, mostly BIOS issues. MSI put out version 2 with a completely different BIOS that will not work in version 1. (I'm tempted to swap chips but I doubt it will work). So, thanks to some truly beautiful packaging and more features than I will ever use (Supports ten hard drives? For what?), I am going to have a real fight on my hands getting this dog to hunt. The good news is if it's stable and they get the Prescotts to the point that I want one, I can drop one right in. The point is, price should not be the only factor in your choice of products. Pretty packaging should play a role too!

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Now, let's eat!
Re: Am I right or are you going to deny that?
Yep your wrong.
He is a hypocrite.

Ok have it your way it's got absolutely nothing to do with the (others) section.

Re: He claimed Omid said a ethnic slur against him, and then he has his own problems with known asian posters that don’t speak proper English. Among other things.

I have seen omid make childish slurs (do you need a link) the guy is mongoloid do I need to say more. Lesson 1 Never use omid to back your case up. BTW I thought it was you in the (others) section who brought up the dominant English language which is an irrelevant argument to begin with.

Re: If you honestly think his lack of answers and defeat in the Other forum was in any way a "win" you've got to be kidding.

well I do see you are still posting there but you are losing the debate. Once you start throwing cheap insults to back up your case you loose much credibility. p4-man is throwing them as well but not to your extent and they seem to be a response to your insults.

Re: So now whats your problem? You agree with P4mans views?
If not why do you care?

I agree with his cpu views for the most part. His political views not as much. I form my own opinion on world events and I do not entirely agree with p4-man but make no mistake I don't agree with you ether. Maybe I'll make a post in there. So why do I care? Because even though you are denying it (just as I thought you might) there is no need to drag your hostility in world events into the cpu forums. Leave your hatred for p4mans politics in the other forum and dint drag it over here.

Re: THIS, is a CPU forum... does that register with you?
If you wish to talk about other things then address me in the Other forum.
Last time I respond to things referring to 'Other' chatter.

Please see above...

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
The 2.4 prescott is ok, not an upgrade for the mobile xp2500+, but 50% more $
The chips I think most interesting right now would be the A64 DTRs. New egg is selling them for the same money as the regular chips. If the mobile A64 has the features of the xp-m chips (unlocked?, highly oc-able, great thermal etc) it will be the one to get. Hope we hear some about it soon.
I may toot my horn, and very loudly.. but I am a true child of the Information Age, or whatever age we're in now.
Social acceptance of the Information Age is what we are in now. Basically waiting for the technologies to trickle down to the lesser aspects of our globe.


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