Build Advice Want to invest in a Pc Upgraid with the upcoming or current AMD cpu´s, but I am unsure what parts to get..


Jun 20, 2019
I want to give my Pc a well deserved update.
Most of the parts i currently use are pretty old (2013) and I wanted to look out for smth new.
I didnt want to spend far too much on the new Parts and I already set my mind on what I need. I am just not sure what to get.
For starters, here is a short list of what i want to upgraid:
-Cpu (Either around a Ryzen 3600 with performance or equal)
-Motherboard (I want it to be rgb compatible but itself colour neutral. The msi b450 carbon or x470 carbon looked very interesting)
-Ram (Preferably 16 Gigs. Not sure if i really want rgb ram or just settle with some black, silver or white ram)
(-Power Supply [I am pretty sure i Should replace what i got right now. I dont know its brand or rating. Its just 500 watts])

I got a rough price range i can work with ( around 500, preferably less ) and I am not sure what exactly I can spend on what part with that budged.
Maybe some of you could give me some pointers.
Thanks in advance ^^
Well i found out I got a OCZ 500MXSP psu. Not sure if that info helps but do keep in Mind i got no idear when this was bought. I cant find the reciept for it and at best it was bought around 2013.
If it helps, right now I am using a MSI 970 4 gb gpu and a corsair H105 aoi cpu cooler. I dont think i need to add mob, ram and cpu i currently use. I wont use any of those parts for the next upgraid