Watch Dogs PC Game to Require 64-bit OS

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I'm keeping an eye on this title, but like others have said, it has potential to be repetitive. I really hope we see x64 being a requirement because it actually needs what only x64 can provide. Still, I'm skeptical that at this point, they would exclude 32-bit users since this title seems to have such wide appeal.

Side note: the main character can carry automatic rifles in his pants pocket! lol
a i7-3990k... a FX-9370...

The 'ultra' requirements are insane. Do the CPUs even exist as retail parts yet?

edit : linked article states i7-3930k, oops Toms.
Battlefield 4 has a 64 bit version, Watch Dogs has a 64 bit version, and I'm sure more games will start being 64 bit. Now that the consoles have come out games will start using more memory; this can only be good.
Oh... So now quad-core with HT equals eight-core? Oh well...
It will be interesting to see if there will really be no 32bit version but considering they list 4GB of RAM in "minimum" requirements it wouldn't be all that surprising.

Those requirements seem a bit high but it might be a good sign... Many games have high requirements for "Ultra" graphics but quite low "minimum" requirements as graphics can be easily scaled and in most new games developers put everything they have into graphics, forgetting about AI and background scripts. Here even basic requirements are quite high and a good CPU is required, not only GPU, so I hope there is a lot of stuff going on in background. Just imagine how much more awesome games like Skyrim would be if there was better AI and real simulated economy, factions, etc. and not pre-scripted/randomised crap that runs only when you're around. I might be overly optimistic as always, but I do hope they are going in a good direction and that there will really be some more stuff going on in background than in most games.
This is good to see. Im sure it will run fine on older hardware but knowing that I can get an overkill intel or 8core amd and benefit from it is nice to know.

I hope it can take advantage of hypethreading, that would be really cool.
I am very skeptical about the 8 core recommended requirement. I know that the next gen consoles have the 8 "core" APUs, but I seriously doubt that they couldn't optimize the CPU stuff to work on 4 cores. I guess time will tell if this is an optimization issue on Ubisoft's part (although they did state that they are building the PC version first and then porting it to PS4 and Xbox one) or if the new standard for games will be 8 cores.

That being said, Watch_Dogs looks like it has some pretty awesome tech running it, so I guess it could be worth it to run it on Ultra.
I find this disappointing (not because I would buy the game, but because of requirements continuing to spiral out of control) - many users still use 32 bits. I actually use a 32 bit OS somewhat on purpose because I still run 16 bit (!) programs.
honestly dont understand how you can game on a 32bit OS. The minimum specs shows that you need atleast 4gb of ram and a video card with atleast 1gb which means that you HAVE to have a a 64bit operating system. Its not like they are just cutting support or anything its just not possible to run miminal spec hardware on a 32bit operating system

This must me a REALLY CPU intensive game to need an 8 core CPU for just the recommended. I hope Toms does a review on what is actually required. I'm still using a 2500k and was planning on keeping it for at least another year

Right. The new consoles have 8-core CPUs, but each core is very much weaker than a desktop or even a laptop CPU's. Hard to imagine that next-gen-console CPU optimizations will become truly PC-relevant any time soon.


If it's actually capable of taking advantage of 8 cores, I'd say not really. The vast majority of games are not coded well enough to take advantage of so many cores.

But I'm not convinced it will really benefit from that number of cores just because they put it in the official requirements. They tend to be inaccurate.

Requirements spiraling out of control? What the... requirements have been bogged down for years because of the long console cycle. To PC gamers, higher requirements is a blessing.
Its nice to see major title dropping 32bit. It should have been dropped long time ago - it only slows software industry down by requiring devs to spend time supporting additional platform.

An entertainment center, including screens, consoles and a sound system, can easily cost thousands of dollars. Replacing the consoles with a PC doesn't affect the price much, just the way it's used. It's a trade-off between the simplicity of a console vs the utility of a PC.

Not everyone has that though. I have about $400 in my PC over a course of over 1 year. Certainly no fancy home entertainment system.

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