
Way back in the 'day'...I built my own first computer: An Apple of all things: came in a kit!
16 K of screening RAM and a green VDT!
No mouse; limited key-board access; no printer! Awsome stuff back then!
Then I bought (in 1982) an Apple II. Awsome: plenty of ports(slots back then) for a printer,external drive(s) and
even a 'mouse' which came later and an Image-writer printer. (I won't say it was the worst printer ever but.....???)
For Dot-matrix it was the best in it's day....
In 1984 upgraded to the Apple II-E (enhanced) version. Not much more except...
Upgraded to the dual-disk drive...Wow! Things took off from there on...untill...
I realized two 5-1/4 flp's weren't just making it: Even with all the cool games back then...
Bought my first modem; 1200 back then; lasted a month then went to 2400...oh my gosh! Looking back..how slow!
Then 'they' tried 4800 but I wasn't buying it: I waited...waited...waited...9600: Gosh Almighty!
Of course the Apple wouldn't 'swallow' all that data in 'real' time and would lock up; meaning the disk-drives
would overheat and or ask for a 'new' disk but by then it was to late....
Then I saved up some money and bought an IBM-XT from of all people, Mike Dell! Go figure....with the box running
at an amazing 3mhz(couldn't change the crystal back then..but I did) running the 8086 chip then upgraded to the
"Wow!" I'm styling now says I...
First thing was an upgrade? Funny now that I think back about that time, the XT came with 640 onboard.
The 512 (or AT) only came with 512 and they were double stacked 64 k chips soldered together upon each other.
Once you got the hang of the 512 you could expand the volitile memory by adding an additional slot board in the
(at the time either the eight or sixteen slot slot...).
Back it the day(1987/89) I upgraded the crystal from 6 mhz to 12 mhz: the machine bogged down...
backed off to 10 mhz and she ran like a fine tuned machine!
Then came the add-in 'ram'. At first it was a one or two meg ram card: and here's the rub that most of
you don't know: shared ram or (what kinda ram?).
Dropped the 512 and went back to the XT. Joy stick/mouse/printer and upgraded to VGA.
Now I'm livin'n large! I've got 640/a 20 meg hard-drive/and 6 megs of memory on slot cards....
Playing 'Wing-Commander' with my son and loving it! Ah, the old days...
1977. The first computer I built - literally, with soldering iron and wirewrap gun - was an RCA COSMAC 1802 (google it). It ran Forth. :D

Fortunately, back in those days, speeds were low enough (MHz) that layout was not that critical.
Building computers since 1977.
Overclocking since 1978 - Z80 (TRS-80) from 1.77 MHz to 2.01 MHz
man i remebr those days computers as big as my desk my first computer the IBM AT man i thought i was Hot stuff had the ram expansion card WOW was awsome. Stacks of 5 1\4 all over man those were the days. My next computer i held out for awhile i got the 386 dx man now that was a computer dos 6.0 and win 3.11 LOLS was the good ole days
My first machine was a 10 MHz 80286 that we got in 1990. 9" VGA screen, dot-matrix printer, 512 KB of RAM, a 3.5" hard disk drive (as opposed to the 5.25" floppy disks that were actually floppy), and a 30 MB Winchester "fixed disk." I spent a bit of time on that machine...

The future is always just around the corner, right? ;)


Oct 29, 2009
Dad got me a Compaq Presario Desktop for 3200$ @ Futureshop

16MB ram
Onboard everything.
Back then I ran EVERYTHING in DOS as Windows95 was slow on the compaq.

My friend's "Clone" 468DX2 was FASTER !!

6 months later I sold it for 600$ and built myself the following

AMD K6- 233
32 or 64MB Ram
ATI 4MB videocard + Diamond Monster 3dfx card (voodoo 4mb)
4.3Gig Quantom BIGFOOT http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Quantum_Bigfoot_hard_drive-20090206-jhansonxi.jpg (I just find it hilariously huge)


Been upgrading yearly ever since... list is long

Both of those machines served me very well playing Warcraft2 or Doom with my friend via 33.6k modem


Feb 24, 2006

True, but by the time the K6 was out, Intel had the Pentium MMX, which in turn trounced the similarly clocked K-6!

Our first family computer was a Compaq Deskpro 4000-N: 233MHz Pentium MMX with 32MB PC-66 ram, slot load CD drive, 3.2GB HDD, 15 inch CRT, 2MB S3 video card, Windows 95b, purchased in the fall of 1997. My parents continued to use that computer until 2004. The CRT burnt out, but I still have that computer. It's a future project to house a nice K6-2 system.