weekly stats (27 June to 3 July)



Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

Newsgroup 'alt.games.nintendo.pokemon' - Weekly Stats 04-Jul-04
Generated by Chriz (chrizizhere@hotmail.com)

Results are based on the messages I get from my news server.
So if you reckon it's not representative, it's not my problem.

Total Posts this period: 44
Total Bytes this period: 119207

------------------------START SECTION 'POSTERS'-----------------------

Number of posts by Person (22 people posted during this period)

TT = This Time
LT = Last Time
AML = Average Message Lines
QP = Average Message Quoted Percent
PGM = Percentage of Group in Messages
PGB = Percentage of Group in Bytes

--- --- ------ ---- --- ----- ----- -----
1 7 Lady Timedramon................... 7 150 9.9% 15.9% 31.7%
2 23 Andrusi........................... 5 37 49.0% 11.4% 6.7%
3 16 Amber............................. 4 49 14.5% 9.1% 6.8%
4 1 Chet Weaver - Chicks Dig Giant Rob 3 83 28.3% 6.8% 6.7%
4 3 Jom Tones......................... 3 80 4.8% 6.8% 8.2%
4 --- ye booooiiiingerr................. 3 17 0.0% 6.8% 1.2%
7 5 Joseph William Dixon.............. 2 24 26.0% 4.5% 1.8%
7 --- Rob Browning...................... 2 42 35.4% 4.5% 2.3%
7 1 Steffan Alun...................... 2 140 30.2% 4.5% 9.4%
10 12 Rob............................... 1 183 0.5% 2.3% 7.9%
10 --- PStokely.......................... 1 21 0.0% 2.3% 0.6%
10 16 Pahsons - Foot.................... 1 16 12.5% 2.3% 0.4%
10 --- \................................. 1 20 60.0% 2.3% 0.3%
10 --- sterlingice....................... 1 20 30.0% 2.3% 0.6%
10 11 daramark.......................... 1 126 10.3% 2.3% 3.7%
10 12 Clayton........................... 1 105 61.9% 2.3% 3.4%
10 7 Chriz............................. 1 19 63.2% 2.3% 0.5%
10 --- Techy Guy......................... 1 24 62.5% 2.3% 0.5%
10 --- Brion K. Lienhart................. 1 24 50.0% 2.3% 0.9%
10 7 The Magic Engineer................ 1 37 51.4% 2.3% 1.3%
10 3 William Rendfeld.................. 1 14 7.1% 2.3% 0.3%
10 7 Marco262.......................... 1 143 14.7% 2.3% 4.8%
Averages ( 60 27.1%)
------------------------END SECTION 'POSTERS'------------------------

--------------------START SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'-------------------

Person Hog Factor
------ --- ------
Lady Timedramon............... 1688
Rob........................... 823
Andrusi....................... 685
Clayton....................... 627
Jom Tones..................... 305
Amber......................... 219
daramark...................... 187
Marco262...................... 151
The Magic Engineer............ 147
ye booooiiiingerr............. 126

--------------------END SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'--------------------

-----------------------START SECTION 'SUBJECTS'-----------------------

Number of posts by Subject (19 subjects during this period)

TT LT Subject # PGM PGB
--- --- ------- --- ------ ------
1 --- [PW][NS] Mansion event................... 7 15.91% 3.16%
1 --- [R/S][COL][Eventually FR/LG] So... what's 7 15.91% 18.56%
3 --- spider man isss swingin in ttoo boooooooi 4 9.09% 3.17%
4 10 [PW] Hoenndings (Was Zig Zag-oon)........ 3 6.82% 10.84%
4 16 Trading Pokemon (Coliseum/R/S) Question.. 3 6.82% 2.94%
4 --- backk to scrool attt boiinger king....... 3 6.82% 1.10%
4 4 Completed Coli........................... 3 6.82% 1.83%
8 10 [PW!] Mining for Magmas.................. 2 4.55% 8.77%
8 --- [PW!]Return to Action, pt 2.............. 2 4.55% 6.60%
10 2 [Sapphire] The Elite Beaters?............ 1 2.27% 1.34%
10 16 [R/S] Help with Team..................... 1 2.27% 0.74%
10 --- backk to scrool attt boiinger king, git s 1 2.27% 0.67%
10 --- [PW!] Fallarbor Fallout.................. 1 2.27% 7.87%
10 --- [PW!]Return to Action.................... 1 2.27% 13.10%
10 --- [PW!]Hoenn, here we are!................. 1 2.27% 2.51%
10 --- [PW!][WG]Sarah Jane Eckert (and "family") 1 2.27% 7.56%
10 --- [PW!][WG]Candi Worth..................... 1 2.27% 1.28%
10 --- [PW!] The Scream of the crime Part 2..... 1 2.27% 4.35%
10 --- [PW!] The Scream of the crime Part 1..... 1 2.27% 3.60%
------------------------END SECTION 'SUBJECTS'------------------------

---------------------START SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'---------------------

27-Jun( 9)|#########
28-Jun( 8)|########
29-Jun( 2)|##
30-Jun( 8)|########
01-Jul( 12)|############
02-Jul( 4)|####
03-Jul( 1)|#

Average Posts per Day = 6

(Breakdown by message creation date, not the date it was received)

----------------------END SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'----------------------

----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'---------------------

What news reading software is being used?

Software Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Microsoft Outlook Express......................... 15 (34.09%)
Mozilla........................................... 11 (25.00%)
Forte Agent....................................... 2 (4.55%)
Xnews............................................. 1 (2.27%)
Forte Free Agent.................................. 1 (2.27%)
*Unknown.......................................... 14 (31.82%)

----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'----------------------

--------------------START SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'--------------------

What Organisations are being posted from?

Organisation Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
*Unknown.......................................... 44 (100.00%)

----------------------END SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'---------------------

----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'----------------------

What Newsgroups are being cross-posted to?

alt.tv.southpark........................8 (11.11%)
alt.tv.simpsons.........................8 (11.11%)
alt.music.weird-al......................8 (11.11%)
alt.food.fast-food......................8 (11.11%)
soc.college.admissions..................4 (5.56%)
rec.arts.tv.............................4 (5.56%)
rec.arts.movies.current-films...........4 (5.56%)
alt.teens...............................4 (5.56%)
alt.games.final-fantasy.................4 (5.56%)
alt.fan.teen.starlets...................4 (5.56%)
alt.fan.teen.idols......................4 (5.56%)
alt.fan.rush-limbaugh...................4 (5.56%)
alt.education...........................4 (5.56%)
alt.comics.spider-man...................4 (5.56%)

-----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'-----------------------

Generated at 4/07/2004 12:04:51 PM
Using QDNStatsV2 (RtS#2) by Brett O'Callaghan (brettocallaghan@hotmail.com)
QDNStats Web Page @ http://www.geocities.com/brettocallaghan


The End.
Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

"Chriz" <chrizizhere@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> --------------------START SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'-------------------

#1 This
Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

"Chriz" <chrizizhere@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> 1 7 Lady Timedramon
> 7 1 Steffan Alun

It seems we've swapped places. Coincidence?!?!?!?! Yes, I expect so.

Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

"Chriz" <chrizizhere@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Newsgroup 'alt.games.nintendo.pokemon' - Weekly Stats 04-Jul-04
> Generated by Chriz (chrizizhere@hotmail.com)
> Results are based on the messages I get from my news server.
> So if you reckon it's not representative, it's not my problem.
> Total Posts this period: 44
> Total Bytes this period: 119207

Please tell me there is an easy to use program that allowed you to do this.
The thought of all that math is giving me a headache. Nice stats...........

Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

Once upon a time daramark decided to write:

> "Chriz" <chrizizhere@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:2kp712F4fubbU1@uni-berlin.de...
>> Newsgroup 'alt.games.nintendo.pokemon' - Weekly Stats 04-Jul-04
>> Generated by Chriz (chrizizhere@hotmail.com)
>> Results are based on the messages I get from my news server.
>> So if you reckon it's not representative, it's not my problem.
>> Total Posts this period: 44
>> Total Bytes this period: 119207
> Please tell me there is an easy to use program that allowed you to do
> this. The thought of all that math is giving me a headache. Nice
> stats...........

Yes it's done using a program. 🙂 I just collect all the messages which it
then uses to convert it to the data. The data I get is in text for, so all I
do is copy and paste it.