Question Weird issue when DisplayPort or HDMI cable plugged into the GPU

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Feb 9, 2017
Hi all,
In the past days I encountered a really strange problem. This sympton has started when I moved my PC to another room in the house. So the issue is the following: PC works but sometimes out of nowhere shuts down, it doesn't matter if I am gaming or I am watching a movie this is really random, sometimes I can use my PC all day, but when it shuts down it immediately restarts but cannot reach to bios. It just shuts down restarts and so on, but when I unplug the DisplayPort cable the PC can reach bios and can boot and when it is booted I can plug back the DisplayPort cable and everything works until this cycle repeats. I tried another DisplayPort cable another port on the GPU/monitor I tried using HDMI, I also changed the PSU cable to GPU but the issue still persists. Also it doesn't happen at every cold start. When I removed the GPU from the system everything seemed to working. I created a video what happens when this boot loop is happening. The motherboard has a numerical digit feedback but it seems like it is not happening at the same boot sequence.
GPU: RTX 3070
MOBO: AsRock Taichi x470 Ultimate
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
Link to video
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