
Jul 17, 2011
Got a bit of a weird problem. Basically shut my home server (home made) down last night to swap out the hard drives, and on powering up it won't boot. Now I don't have any of the drives connected to power yet so it's not that.

Basically, everything comes on except the CPU fan. PSU fan, case fans (plugged into , LEDs on the motherboard and network LEDs all come on, but it just sits there doing nothing. If I do plug in a couple of hard drives (in caddies) I can hear the caddy fans come on, so they get power too. I also have 2 8 port PCI-e x4 SATA controllers plugged in which have LEDs that come on as well, so everthing seems to be working OK.

But interestingly the CPU seems to be working as it get's bloomin hot when the PC is powered on.

I really don't know what's up... I've swapped PSU to no avail. I'm guessing it's either the CPU or motherboard but as I use server components it's not just a case of buying a cheap board and trying. I'm looking at £200+ for a board so don't want to buy a replacement for that not to be the problem!


Jul 17, 2011
Also interestingly if I plug a case fan into the CPU fan header it comes on, but the CPU fan doesn't come one when plugged into the CPU fan header. As the CPU fan is PWM, would this suggest the motherboard isn't detecting the CPU, hence the fan doesn't need to come on?