Question Weird purple artifacts on GTAs grass

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Sep 11, 2024
I keep getting these purple artifacts on GTA, I ran a lot of demanding games and the artifacts weren't there, I I'm using a pretty cheap HDMI even tho my PC is decent, someone help
this has nothing to do with my specs but here are my specs anyways:
rx 6700xt
i5 12400f
16 gb ram
750w power supply
Well, if you're gonna just dismiss ideas, it makes life more challenging. There are many reasons to ask for the specs, so we can better understand what's happening, for one.

Are all your system drivers up to date? Have you uninstalled the GPU driver with DDU and reinstalled fresh GPU driver?

What bios are you running on the mobo?

Yes, a cheap cable could cause this too! Get a better one and try it out.

Have you any overclock on CPU or GPU?

Which exact power supply? If the PSU is crapping out, or not providing clean power to the GPU this may also be an issue.
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got picture?

Well, if you're gonna just dismiss ideas, it makes life more challenging. There are many reasons to ask for the specs, so we can better understand what's happening, for one.

Are all your system drivers up to date? Have you uninstalled the GPU driver with DDU and reinstalled fresh GPU driver?

What bios are you running on the mobo?

Yes, a cheap cable could cause this too! Get a better one and try it out.

Have you any overclock on CPU or GPU?

Which exact power supply? If the PSU is crapping out, or not providing clean power to the GPU this may also be an issue.
all drivers are up to date
i have the gpu undervolted, but i tried putting it back to its original voltage and that did not fix it, i can't lie the power supply is garbo but i dont think its whats causing these artifacts cause they appear only on gta, i'm going to try a new hdmi to see if it fixes it
i can't lie the power supply is garbo but i dont think its whats causing these artifacts cause they appear only on gta, i'm going to try a new hdmi to see if it fixes it
Okay. You know you need to change it out. The PSU is the heart of your system. You don't want a bad heart in there right? If the PSU is not delivering the required voltage on each of the rails, then things like this can happen. Also, the PSU if very bad, has the potential to take some components along with it, if it goes.

In terms of the GTA being the only game that presents with this issue, could simply be to the load type it puts on the CPU/GPU and thus your PSU. Did you use DDU?

Swap the cable out. See how that goes.

Which bios are you running on your mobo? ANd which exact mobo is it? You can use CPU-z on the mainboard tab to determine this.
i wouldn't think it would put any more load on the system than maybe running some advanced solitaire games.

even on an older iGPU you could emulate the original Playstation games with some decent performance.
this came out maybe a few years after that, before the Playstation 2 for sure.
Is depth of field on or off in game?

I don't think it's the hdmi cable, artifacts would happen everywhere if it was.

Take a screenshot of the artifacts and upload to Imgur or another image hosting service and link here.
Point to where on map you get this, I'll check if i have pink foliage in these areas. Pink artifacts was thinking improperly rendered square textures or something, this looks normal. Definitely not caused by Hdmi cable or psu...
Is depth of field on or off in game?

I don't think it's the hdmi cable, artifacts would happen everywhere if it was.

Take a screenshot of the artifacts and upload to Imgur or another image hosting service and link here.

Point to where on map you get this, I'll check if i have pink foliage in these areas. Pink artifacts was thinking improperly rendered square textures or something, this looks normal. Definitely not caused by Hdmi cable or psu...
Literally on any short grass
Point to where on map you get this, I'll check if i have pink foliage in these areas. Pink artifacts was thinking improperly rendered square textures or something, this looks normal. Definitely not caused by Hdmi cable or psu...
I also see it when stuff is rendering like 200 meters away
that certainly does look intended in the game by this screenshot.
not what i would consider artifacts, just off-color if anything.

if it is happening everywhere throughout the city;
have you tried just reinstalling the game?
Also that's not a screenshot the artifacts are not visible on them, I took this pic using my phone
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