What cable?


Mar 10, 2006
ok i got another computer and i want to connect it to the linsys router do i use regular cat5 cable or cat6 or crossover. here is a image i made to describe.


the sad computer wants to be connected but doesnt know what cable to use. (the green is the cable that i want to add).
No need to go for the cat5e or cat6. If the network is not gigabit (don't think that that router is) save yourself a few pennies and get regular cat 5 cables.
Cat5 would work depending on range. Though, Cat5e would be the better choice for later upgrades.

Cat6 would be used if you're running over your 285ft limit. The range on Cat6 that I've had success in using is 650ft, though I'm told by some cabling contractors it can pull up to 720 ft.
You are right regarding Cat5e. I just asked a guy in the purchasing dept and he told me its almost impossible to find standard Cat5 in the market today and if it is available the price is the same as Cat5e. so go for Cat5e.

I stand corrected. Still think Cat6 is overkill in his case though. :tongue:
you can use any cat5, cat5e, or cat6. Most cables now days are 5e which will work just fine. You want a patch cable. Crossover cables are designed for use between two hubs or to hook 2 pc together.

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