I'm very novice to building pc's (this is my first) and I'm pretty stumped on what case I should get for this specific build --> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/K4dfNq <--
this build is not final at all, if anyone has some advice on better parts that I should choose, it would be greatly appreciated!
My budget is <$900 (for the whole pc)
(If it makes any difference, I want this computer to be able to run Valorant at medium/high settings at ≥144 fps)
--> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/K4dfNq <--
this build is not final at all, if anyone has some advice on better parts that I should choose, it would be greatly appreciated!
My budget is <$900 (for the whole pc)
(If it makes any difference, I want this computer to be able to run Valorant at medium/high settings at ≥144 fps)
--> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/K4dfNq <--