Question What Causes Windows 10 Install Loop?


Oct 5, 2021
I am trying to install Windows 10 on a new m.2 SSD.
Previously, this system was working with Windows 10 until I removed the old m.2 SSD.
When I am trying to install a Windows 10 on the new m.2 drive, the installation starts normally "copying windows files, getting files ready for installation, installing features, installing updates, finishing up" all seem to work normally.
Then, when Windows restarts, it goes right back to the beginning of the installation.

Does this mean that there is something wrong with the new m.2 SSD?
Or is there something in the BIOS settings that needs to be changed?

Side notes:

The installation seems to work normally when I install Windows onto the secondary HDD that is installed in the system.

The PC currently boots into Windows 10 from the HDD, but I would like to change this so that the OS is installed on the m.2 SSD.
That too, not only to possibly de-confuse the board, but to prevent win10 installer meddling with other drives connected without you knowing like putting boot loader elsewhere instead of designated drive. A habit of win10. Removing that secondary drive for any reason can cause boot issues.

if you take the usb out before its finished installing windows, at the 1st restart, it can break the install. Windows doesn't boot from the drive you are installing it to until maybe the 3rd restart in the installation process. So taking USB out before then can break the install.

Instead, a lot of motherboards now have a setting in them called Boot Override that lets you boot off a USB one time and then it goes back to normal boot order after the next restart, so you don't have to change the boot order at all. This is what you should use when installing windows.

@JudithWright what make/model motherboard are you using?