I think we all know the new GPU market is a never ending treadmill, getting more than the cost of a new washing machine territory.
Right now even on the used market GPU's are ridding high in price but like every year when we hit summer the used ones seem to get better in price.
I keep seeing RTX 2070's going for $200-250 and in reality that's 4 gens back. I mean if you were on a GTX 960 or lower the RTX 2070 would be better but than you again are just in front of it hitting legacy status sooner than later.
If we jump to the RTX 3000's higher end used there the same as RTX 5000 series low to mid price wise.
Just as far as me, myself and I is not the time to pull the trigger just yet.
In the coming months I need to buy 3 GPU's so I keep on top of the market like fly's on ----.