what fan can I use?


Nov 6, 2005
I have a pair of amd 1100's that both have thermaltake valcano 6cu fans. Both are overheating. No overclocks, all equipment clean, fan operating at proper speed ect..

I have a pair of the old thermal take golden orbs... Will those do better? If not, what is a good, reliable fan that will keep these cool w/o spending a fortune for my kids machines...


You'll probably want to improve case airflow, because if the cooler is cooling the CPU with the already hot air in the case, it wont work. make sure that there is a fan that will push the hot air outside the case and that there is vent hole to allo fresh air to enter the case.


Nov 6, 2005
in both I'm running the cases open... because I frequently make changes inside and I'm disabled; also the cases are in a place that is hard to get to thus it is much easier to leave them open... I do keep the dust out with freq. use of compressed air (the kind made for computers with no moisture)

I've been building/running systems since apple iie and I usually leave case open... These however are the only AMD machines I've ever built other than a pair of 64 bit machines I'm using that do have covers on... Is the amd more touchy?


Those chips always ran a little hot. Just go out and buy a couple of xp coolers, and you should be fine.
BTW, that compressed air has probably pushed dust into the fan motor. Those puppies are just dying of old age about now.