What game bundles come with ATI


Jul 13, 2003
Can anyone tell me what if any games come with ATI cards? There website says nothing except that their XT cards come with Halflife2. And only because I seen the box in the store I know that the AIW 9600 Pro also comes with Halflife2. However what if any games come with a 9800 Pro?
Depends on the manufacturer. BBA 9800pros (128s) don't have games, GeXCube comes with Black Hawk Down, Sapphire has Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Soldier of Fortune II, and the list goes on. Before you shop for the games bundle, make sure that the card manufacturer itself is good as that is much more important in the long run.
What about ATI as manufacturer. If I bought a ati card it would be from ATI most likly or possibly Saphire but more likly ATI. Never even heard of GeXCube and BBA where I am. Only manufacturers that sell radeons where I am that I'm aware of is Asus, ATI, Saphire and PowerColor but Asus only sells the XT cards.
GexCube = Gigacube

My own beast: Athlon 2700xp+ (oc: 3200xp+ with 200fsb) , Radeon 9800pro (oc: 410/370) , 512mb ddr400. SO MUCH faster than my last computer (pIII 550......)
My BBA AIW 9800 Pro came with morrowind and a suite of video editing stuff.

Add witty comment here and beat this bad boy...
A64 3200+ w/ 1 GB DDR 400
2 36 gig raptors in Raid 0 complemented by an AIW 9800 Pro