[SOLVED] what is the best Motherboard for my current CPU


Oct 22, 2016
Hi all so I have a i5-7600k CPU but a MSI-7A72 and my pc just performs really sluggish. I also have 2x8gbs DDR4 2400mhz ram and a GTX 1060 OC edition. I am currently looking to upgrade and just wanted some help with finding a good motherboard for my pc. My friend says my motherboard is really mediocre for the latest games and suggests I get myself a better motherboard so ANY help would really be appreciated! Thanks again
A better motherboard isn't necessarily going to give you better performance in games. Higher end motherboards can offer more in terms of features such as more ports for plugging things in like extra USB ports for example, more slots for RAM, more PCI slots, extra SATA ports for hard drives / SSD's, overclocking capability, broader support for more processors, etc

But it won't really give you more FPS in video games. If you were to buy a cheap bargain bin motherboard and compared it to a super high end motherboard while using the same exact video card, ram and processor on both boards you wouldn't really notice much, if any difference in your video game performance.

What's your current motherboard and what games are you playing and...
A better motherboard isn't necessarily going to give you better performance in games. Higher end motherboards can offer more in terms of features such as more ports for plugging things in like extra USB ports for example, more slots for RAM, more PCI slots, extra SATA ports for hard drives / SSD's, overclocking capability, broader support for more processors, etc

But it won't really give you more FPS in video games. If you were to buy a cheap bargain bin motherboard and compared it to a super high end motherboard while using the same exact video card, ram and processor on both boards you wouldn't really notice much, if any difference in your video game performance.

What's your current motherboard and what games are you playing and what games would you like to play? That'll help us give suggestions on what you could upgrade to for better gaming performance
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