[SOLVED] What is the best second gen CPU for Intel Motherboard DP67BG?

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Oct 18, 2019
I am planning to buy a new cpu and i am afraid that it wont work with my pc and my motherboard.... do you guys know whats the best cpu for this motherboard and that will fit and work without any problems? Atm i have i5 2400
Well....about the fastest CPU for that MB is the i7-3770 or the i7-3770K....but those are third generation.

The i7-2700k would be second generation and I think that might be the fastest second generation.....but I'm not 100% sure.
You'd have to buy a used one from ebay...risky. The price for a new CPU is too high.
I know a site for buying pc stuff in my country... and can see the perso
You are probably going to need to buy a new CPU cooler. The Deepcool GAMMAXX 400 will work fine, but only if you have space in your case for a 120mm tower cooler. What size computer case do you have?
normal size
Is it even worth buying a new cpu...? I would also need a new psu lol ... and thats alot of mo ey... eould be better to buy a whole new pc ...?>< when i have the money ofcourse
No, it's not worth it unless you could get one of those from ebay for a hundred bucks or less. Otherwise it's time to build a new system. Here's the price for a new CPU for your board.
Sandy Bridge CPU's
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I have a i5 2400 and i want to upgrade my cpu to a better second gen cpu... also it should go well with gtx 1050 ti.. any suggestions?
Intel Motherboard DP67BG
Well....about the fastest CPU for that MB is the i7-3770 or the i7-3770K....but those are third generation.

The i7-2700k would be second generation and I think that might be the fastest second generation.....but I'm not 100% sure.
Didnt know those 3rd gen cpus would work with my pc too... maybe imma buy i7-3770k if its better :) ty and sorry for bad english
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