So I've recentrly bought a 3900x it all runs well and everything but I'm having problems with actually monitoring the real temperatures. I have no idea what the real tempereature is and what sensor to actually monitor. My cpu is watercooled with a 280 aio from corsair. Here are the idle temps monitored with 2 different programs
Note the TMPIN 4 on the left is Temp2 on the right. Not sure about their hight value and why that is so high (82 is a bit to much but they never seem to change values so i think it's just a faulty sensor that is set to a default value or maybe its that the junction temp? i have no idea). Then on the left there is also a Temp 5 that again has a high value (86C) that also never seems to change.
Now here are the temps after 20+ minutes of stresstesting the whole system. View:
This time I monitored the temps with 4 different softwares. The abnormal value that seem to have changed are the values that both HW software share (TMPIN 4 on the left is Temp2 on the right have gone from 82 to 84 and this is also seen in the corsair software, and this is why i think that is the junction temp that got people woried a while back but then again i'm not sure.). That being said what temp should i actually keep an eye on? should i just take the ryzen master default and basic temp and not worry about anything or is there more to it? Also i've searched a bit on forums and apperently there are a few "problems" with the cpu sensors on the 3900x as so many people have problems reading the temperatures. Thanks for reading.
Note the TMPIN 4 on the left is Temp2 on the right. Not sure about their hight value and why that is so high (82 is a bit to much but they never seem to change values so i think it's just a faulty sensor that is set to a default value or maybe its that the junction temp? i have no idea). Then on the left there is also a Temp 5 that again has a high value (86C) that also never seems to change.
Now here are the temps after 20+ minutes of stresstesting the whole system. View:
This time I monitored the temps with 4 different softwares. The abnormal value that seem to have changed are the values that both HW software share (TMPIN 4 on the left is Temp2 on the right have gone from 82 to 84 and this is also seen in the corsair software, and this is why i think that is the junction temp that got people woried a while back but then again i'm not sure.). That being said what temp should i actually keep an eye on? should i just take the ryzen master default and basic temp and not worry about anything or is there more to it? Also i've searched a bit on forums and apperently there are a few "problems" with the cpu sensors on the 3900x as so many people have problems reading the temperatures. Thanks for reading.