Question What is the root cause of this capacitor failure? Auros Master rev 1.0

Nov 11, 2023
Imgur gallery of blown capacitor

Hi all, thank you for reading.

I recently turned on my workstation and heard a loud pop and a smell like fireworks, turned off the machine and unplugged everything. Quick visual inspection of the motherboard revealed a capacitor that blew its cap right off.

I am wondering what the root cause could have been, if anyone has had a similar issue with the same capacitor. I don't have access to a circuit diagram so I'm not sure what OCBEC2 refers to.

If it helps, I had a water pump plugged into the Sys_Pump6a header that had been re-wired from a 2-wire molex connector for power and a 2-wire pwm 4-pin fan header into a full 4-wire fan header. And while the pump was working fine, I suspect I didn't insert the correct wires in the correct header slots and caused a short. I can provide more info if it helps get to the cause of the issue so I don't repeat it on a new motherboard.

I'm waiting for a new motherboard to arrive so I'm not interested in repairing the broken parts - just trying to identify what I may have done wrong, or if I just got unlucky with a bad capacitor (doubt).

Thanks again for reading and any suggestions you may have, enjoy your day!
I have been using the Gigabyte EasyOC setting of 1.1v and 3900mhz clock, an offset of + .1v and 200mhz. Nothing over the top.

System temps have been consistently safe, with max full load temps never exceeding 70c (system temps, CPU temps go up to 80c under full load).

Thank you for the reply!

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