Question What is this button and how can I get rid of it??? Please help!

Apr 11, 2024
I have been looking EVERYWHERE on the internet to identify and remove this random button that appears on my monitor with NO LUCK. Here are some details:

  1. Occurs on external monitor (Acer) connected to laptop (Asus).
  2. This button doesn't allow me to click what's behind it.
  3. Nothing happens with a right click.
  4. Can be interacted with with single click (nothing happens) or a long click (only has blue rings [2nd image] around it, nothing happens).
  5. Can be dragged to either the right or left bottom of the monitor screen.
  6. I do not believe it has to do with NVDIA Share/shadowplay/overlay.
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU
RAM 16.0 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Nvidia GTX 1650MaxQ

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Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

On the laptop look in Task Manager > Startup for any unrecognized apps, tools, or utilities.

Likely something got slipped in along with some intended installation or even an update that may have masked or disguised an option that you would have declined if the option had been apparent or easily noted.

The next step would be to look in Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer to find something that is not expected (you would not have wanted it or agreed to an install) or unknown,

Process Explorer is Microsoft and free. Very useful when trying to discover and learn more about what all is running on any given system

The immediate objective is to see what you can find. Do not start deleting things without specific reasons and knowledge to do so.

If you cannot figure out what some running process is then google it. Watch out for processs that may appear legitimate but are actually misnamed by a letter or two to look like a legitmate process.

Take your time. If necessary, take a screenshot or two and post here via imgur (