What motherboard should I upgrade too so I can get PCI-E


Oct 13, 2002
I have a 64 bit 3000+ cpu right now, it's a single core.

I wan't to upgrade to a motherboard with the most potential so a year from now I can buy a dual core 4800+ on the cheap. I am going to run a 7800 GTX SLI card for now, then when they get cheaper buy another one.

I have corsair XMS platinum 3200 memory right now. It's an older version, I will probley upgrade to OCZ 2GB soon, maybe even with the motherboard and video card purchase. Anyway... I just need to know thanks.

Also since I am running ~ 500w power supply will I still need to plug a power cord into my motherboard if im not running 2 sli gfx cards for now? I am really looking hard at the A8N32-SLI Deluxe but im wondering if I should even wait longer for the A8N32-SLI Premium...

One more thing.... I will upgrading to a SATA Hard Drive... If that makes any difference, I am partial to Asus.
If you wanted to buy the best mobo for SLI and the quickly upcoming future you should probaly buy the pricey A8N32-SLI Deluxe for about $229.00 on newegg.
Tru that... I have been really considering going with either the A8N-SLI Premium and a ATI card, or go for the A8N32 and get the NVIDIA 7800 GTX's eventually. I dunno tought decision really.
if you want to get ripped of for a medicore board, i say stay away from ASUS a8ns in general. in stead go with DFI, abit or epox

good overclockers
get the newest DFI, the Expert, its got all the features (minues legacy support though... no serial and com ports....... it does have pins that you can connect them to, but you need to buy some accessories to make it work) and its a great OCing card, while it is degigned to support cards with 2 slot cooling thingy in SLI (512 7800GTX or with NV sliencer) and with keeping in mind of the use of XP-120 and SI-120 as coolers (more spce for the CPU and the ram). it is the board to get if you got enough $$
DFI boards seem to need a 480Watt PSU before tech support will help and they aren't for the faint of heart (or people with low patients). They need to be super configed before actually working and even then give problems, sure when they work nothing can beat them but they are a pain in the you know what. Oh and Asus is great for Intel but not too hot for AMD.

i wouldn't buy an NForce Nvidia chipset board and run ATI gfx. I'd stick with nVidia for everything.

the Premium board is already out.

it's alittle cheaper then the Deluxe.

SLI is basically a waste of money right now.

And reguardless of SLI or not, you always have to add power to your motherboard.

usually a 20 or 24pin adaptor.