DanielC23 :
Tradesman1 :
Have you decided on CPU and mobo - that will determine what the BEST DRAM would be, don't want to rush out and get 3000 or even 2133 is the CPU can't carry the sticks or the mobo won't run over 1600
There is Platinum RAM that runs at 1600MHz so he can OC it when he gets a board that supports higher speeds.
Sorry, but offing suggestions without knowing what mobo or CPU is rather worthless - like the suggestion for 3000 sticks - basically your only use for it is if you have a 4770K and are OCing the CPU, you're run of the mill non-K Haswell can't even run 3000, in fact few can even run 2400.....Likewise say suggesting 1866 or 2133 an they have a H81 that runs 1600 max....in other words a waste of time