[SOLVED] What size is this motherboard?


Dec 4, 2018

I have this old PC that I'm using as a NAS server, but I really don't like the case since it doesn't have capacity for that many hard drives. Therefor I'm currently looking for a new case, but I can't seem to figure out what case I can buy that can replace it since the motherboard is weird. I don't understand the size since it doesn't fit ATX, M-ATX or any of them. Can anyone help me figure this out? I really want this in a Micro-ATX case since that what it fits mostly. I hope someone can help me out.

Motherboard dimensions

24 x 20-21 cm


Thanks in advance
It's not mini-itx or a matx form factor, yes it seems to have screw mounting locations found on an mitx board. What is the model/SKU for your Acer prebuilt? The part that might impede your migration to a new case might be due to the overhanging part of the motherboard. I'm also skeptical about the front panel power and reset buttons pinouts.

On another note, you speak of adding more storage drives. How many do you want to include/add in the existing build?
It's not mini-itx or a matx form factor, yes it seems to have screw mounting locations found on an mitx board. What is the model/SKU for your Acer prebuilt? The part that might impede your migration to a new case might be due to the overhanging part of the motherboard. I'm also skeptical about the front panel power and reset buttons pinouts.

On another note, you speak of adding more storage drives. How many do you want to include/add in the existing build?

The computer is a Packard Bell imedia s2380

It has space for 1 HDD and I have 4 and they are sitting in another enclosure outside this case which isn't ideal at all.
This link may help to see if you can fit in a conventional matx case:

While a rear i/o panel is not absolutely necessary, you would also want to verify that what you have will fit.

Also, what is the psu?
Is it a standard ATX psu?

Perhaps, I think it is time to do a complete rebuild.
$250 or so will get you a modern processor, motherboard and 16gb of ddr4 ram.
This link may help to see if you can fit in a conventional matx case:
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.partitionwizard.com/images/uploads/articles/2020/07/atx-motherboard-dimensions/atx-motherboard-dimensions-thumbnail.png&imgrefurl=https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/atx-motherboard-dimensions.html&tbnid=vXpJbjwdaD6hNM&vet=12ahUKEwigkvigi5DyAhVFhFMKHaz4CdMQMygAegUIARDIAQ..i&docid=AYJfZfk07J9KTM&w=600&h=400&q=atx motherboard dimensions&ved=2ahUKEwigkvigi5DyAhVFhFMKHaz4CdMQMygAegUIARDIAQ

While a rear i/o panel is not absolutely necessary, you would also want to verify that what you have will fit.

Also, what is the psu?
Is it a standard ATX psu?

Perhaps, I think it is time to do a complete rebuild.
$250 or so will get you a modern processor, motherboard and 16gb of ddr4 ram.

Yes, I should probably buy a new system, but this is for my NAS build and I don't need anything fancy. I'm just tired of this case.

Could the motherboard fit in this case, DeepCool MATREXX 30?

If I flip the motherboard around the IO board would fit in, right or am I wrong about that?
Yes, I should probably buy a new system, but this is for my NAS build and I don't need anything fancy. I'm just tired of this case.

Could the motherboard fit in this case, DeepCool MATREXX 30?

If I flip the motherboard around the IO board would fit in, right or am I wrong about that?

Looking at the cabinet, I don't think it's possible. But If the IO board is inside the PC facing the wrong way, it would still work right? Because I don't need the IO to be accessible any way
Looking at the cabinet, I don't think it's possible. But If the IO board is inside the PC facing the wrong way, it would still work right? Because I don't need the IO to be accessible any way
The board overhangs a lot compared to m-ITX but it looks to be within for mATX so it should fit a case that can fit an mATX at least.

I'm not sure what your concern with the I/O panel is as it appears to me it's oriented correctly with respect to the PCIe slots along the back edge for an ATX standard case. The one thing I'd be concerned about is that the dimensions for opening size and relationship to the mounting holes are standard for both the I/O plate and the PCIe slots. In a worse case you could run without the plate itself, so long as the connectors simply fit within the rectangular hole. But you may have to move standoffs in order to make sure the PCIe slots line up if you want to use them.

Also unknown is the PSU: does it follow an ATX standard form factor so that it will fit? Location of the 24 pin connector is odd and the PSU is mounted on the opposite side of the board in that case. The cable to it and/or the CPU 4-pin may come up short if PB made it extra short for cost savings.

Personally, I feel this a lot of expense and effort for such a low spec and out dated board/CPU combination.
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