Buddy, i hate to break it too you, but you are wrong. While some cases with a bottom mounted psu may allow you to face the fan upwards, it doesnt make sense so the s340 doesnt allow this.
The fan up would make the psu blow hot air directly up on your video card and not actually exhaust the air.
I have an nzxt s340 hosting my main pc, so i know its ins and outs. The only venting on the cage directly on top of the psu is the tiny holes drilled for 2.5 in drives. The psu is not intended to face up, so there is not path for the air other than the vents by the front of the cage, blocked by the hard drive bays.
Btw, we all can read your messages without the unneeded large font.
Buddy, I hate to break it to you but you are wrong....
Exhaust is exhaust, goes right out the back of the case. Fan orientation does not change that. A fan facing upwards simply means it uses case air as the intake, exactly the same as a top mounted psu. Bottom oriented fan psu draws air from under the case. Many cases have front intake fans that supply the psu shroud with air partially, this is done because that's also where many have secondary or even primary hdd/ssd mounting, so a top fan psu (if sufficient space above the psu itself) will actually facilitate airflow from the intake, and not use case air. Just the supplied shrouded airflow.
There's also cases like a few Antec make that are designed with a ½" space below the psu, and no bottom vent, just for rugs etc.
The fan will NOT blow hot air directly up into the video card, in fact the opposite, it'll draw air from under the video card, creating a larger low pressure area there in concert with the gpu fans, which has a side affect of creating higher airflow in that region.
Power and heat are not synonymous, but are only assumed to be so. Depends entirely on the efficiency of the cpu. Full core load on an i7-8700k is only 86w, TDP is 95w, thermal load is over 100w. All cpus are like that, usually within ± 10°C. I5-3570k TDP 74w, i7-3770K TDP 77w, thermal differences are quite different with hyperthreading enabled under max usage. I9 9900k TDP 95w, full load over 130w, thermal load 250w.