
Oct 6, 2010
I am a warrenty tech for a sub-contractor, I do a lot of different . this one has be baffled.

1) MB Won't detect HDD (PLEASE INSERT SYSTEM DISK) (No Show in BIOS)
2) Replace MB
3) Freezes at Splash 1/2 time other half only sometimes detects HDD or ODD (Sata)
4) Replace MB again (new one)
5) System boots into windows, loads desktop, shuts down
6) Turn system back on, won't detect anything SATA ODD, Old HDD, New HDD)

I have stripped system down to just MB, Processor, 1 of 4 (tried all 4) Sticks of ram, and Power Supply.

Why did it boot to windows once, then loose all sata devices?
Roll some dice, it "could be" - MOBO, CPU, GPU or PSU. The only reason I ruled-out OS -> Why did it boot to windows once, then loose all sata devices?

I've seen a very similar post before and it turn-out to be the CPU.

BAD GPU -> won't effect BIOS detection of HDD.
BAD RAM -> won't effect BIOS detection of HDD.
BAD PSU -> won't effect BIOS detection of HDD.

BIOS -> rarely can effect BIOS detection of HDD.

BAD CPU -> Can effect BIOS detection of HDD.
BAD MOBO -> Can effect BIOS detection of HDD.

If OP has SSD + Multiple HDD {especially in RAID} + Gigabyte then probably MOBO H/W which is NOT repairable w/o adding a SATA {RAID} Card. e.g. NO FIX. Purchase an ASUS MOBO.


Oct 6, 2010
Warranty repair on an HP.
They keep sending same MB, same symptoms.
I replace MB, it boots into windows once, crashes reboots, then won't detect any sata device.

Tech support for the company I work for thinks it's some kind of virus, so sending me another MB and HDD.

I am to replace MB and HDD and reinstall OS on new HDD.


Oct 6, 2010

Unfortunately, I have 48 hours to return parts after closing the call. And do in-home repair, user only has the one computer configured that way.

Just wondered if anyone heard of maybe a (bios?) virus that killed sata controllers.

tested Power Supply tech support said a virus had come out that some how sent PSU into overload frying the MB

I've heard of a BIOS virus but they are extremely rare.

I'm telling you, a bad CPU will do the same, and obviously a bad MOBO.