I am looking for a significant bang for the buck upgrade with, let's say, a budget of 500 to 700 euro's, or preferably, less if possible.
My machine intention is gaming. Now I do not want to say my rig lets me down, as it's a pretty solid bang for the buck rig with reasonable good performance, but my machine seems to struggle keeping a 100% smooth (no stutters, no drops) 144hz experience with games like Battlefield 1 , V and 2042, Modern Warfare, PUBG, Squad and Mordhau etc.
- My OS is tweaked and configured in a correct, non performance harming way. (Non essential for gaming services, start up tasks, settings etc)
- I used a Windows 10 bloatware removal script. Link: https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater
- My CineBench benchmark score:
- My all round cooling is fine, and my CPU is well thermally pasted, and does rarely reach above 65 degrees Celsius at a full workload.