Whats the best CPU air cooler for an I7 8700k

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May 15, 2016
So i'm planing on buying the I7 8700k cpu on the Asus ROG STRIX Z370-F motherboard but i was wondering what the best air cooler would be? for the chip so that i can overclock it.

If anyone can help me, the case that i'm using is the Zalman Z11 PLUS so i don't think the size of the cooler matters to much.

Sounds like you have other issues going on, maybe some TIM application between the die and IHS causing a significant temp disparity.

The high-end air coolers perform as well or better than 240mm AIO water coolers, cooling capacity is not the issue.

Sounds like you have other issues going on, maybe some TIM application between the die and IHS causing a significant temp disparity.

The high-end air coolers perform as well or better than 240mm AIO water coolers, cooling capacity is not the issue.

you have i7 8700k? im telling you 65c-75c stress test on 4.3ghz and i try 4.7ghz and its 95c+ on drp3 cooler AIR COOLER IS NO GO FOR I7 8700K!!!! i currently waiting for x62 but i thing delid is gonna be must go....

Hate to burst your bubble, but even if you do get the X62 you will not see much of a temperature difference, maybe 10C MAX. Dark Rock Pro 3 is one of the best air coolers on the market, and there's no reason it shouldn't adequately cool a 8700k.

No, I don't have an 8700k, but I've done more than enough research from its launch to be able to figure out what's able to cool it or not. Nearly every tech channel on Youtube has done videos about the 8700k, whether that be cooling or gaming benchmarks.

Linus did this video on comparing cooling systems on an arguably similarly hot CPU, Ryzen Threadripper (which has much higher TDP, might I add. 8700k will only output more heat when it's HEAVILY overclocked.)

EDIT: Noctua's NH-D14/15 is similar to the Dark Rock Pro 3, which cool better than the U14S he shows in that video. H115i is comparable to Kraken x62.

man pls don't write again...even 4.7ghz on i7 8700k will blow your mind with the temp...if you buy one you will see..that is all what i gonna to say i hate arguing about something you cant understand so i will not explain to you...

Yes it gets hot at 4.7GHz, nothing short of custom water cooling will really cool high overclocks like that adequately. But to say you can't cool it at stock or even moderate overclocks with air coolers is misleading at best, flat out wrong at worst.

Do you understand this?


One set of results is not nearly enough to quantify every single result based on significantly more thorough test procedures than yours. You can google many videos and articles about the 8700k where they use air coolers to great effect. Each CPU is different, yours included. Just because your set of data says one thing doesn't mean it defines the whole group.

We can debate about it all day. I can give numerous articles about cooling on the 8700k but to be honest it would kinda be a waste of effort. As for the OP, I wouldn't worry about cooling too much, the best air coolers on the market are more than capable of cooling an overclocked 8700k as long as you aren't pushing high clock speeds (4.6GHz+).


The guy said it couldn't be done.

I've shown that it can be done. Whether another CPU can or cannot is irrelevant.

Certainly as you have pointed out that there is much more to obtaining a cool running OC then cooling solution alone.

Edit: You do realize that I'm on air right?
Air coolers are bad for 8700k! I have that cpu and my Rock pro 3 on 4.7GHz 1min strest test 95c+ so dont use air cooler. Only if you gonna be on 4.3ghz max then use air (65c-75c)...i waiting for kraken x62 now..i think delid is must go....

This whole thread is so misleading... Why would The manufacturer sell this cpu if they knew their consumers would have obligation to "Delid" and avoid warranty....? Don't they run their own stress tests with heatsink a and liquid coolers??????

Of course they do, but high overclocks like 4.6GHz+ are not extensively tested since, officially, it is against Intel/AMD policy to overclock. Also not every chip is made the same, so not all chips will perform the same. Differences in silicon quality, amount of TIM between the IHS and the die, and other factors contribute to variability in temps.

The stock heatsink could cool the CPU at stock. Overclocks are a different story.

Not trying to be rude and thanks for that response. I also had the same question as OC but you have someone making definitive statements that "delid" is a must... Not sure if the 8700k comes with a stock cooler so I was trying to find a prominent one.

what's your ambient temp tho?

I have a 8700k on a £20 cooler running @ 5.2 1.27v under 80c in prime 95 so you don't have the best cpu.
In game max temps 71c
What thermal paste are you using and what motherboard

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