Question What's the CHEAPEST and the BEST CPU compatible with the ASUS M2N68 AM SE2 motherboard?

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Jun 5, 2016
What's the CHEAPEST and the BEST CPU compatible with the ASUS M2N68 AM SE2 motherboard for gaming? I'm using a GT 1030 as GPU and I want a processor that won't bottleneck the GT 1030 and can utilize it's capacities to the full extent. So any ideas guyz?

What's the CHEAPEST and the BEST CPU compatible with the ASUS M2N68 AM SE2 motherboard for gaming? I'm using a GT 1030 as GPU and I want a processor that won't bottleneck the GT 1030 and can utilize it's capacities to the full extent. So any ideas guyz?

Here's the processor support page:

It's hard to say for sure which is the best processor: probably a Phenom x4 9950. Strike that: Phemom II X6 1090T. But it will probably be thermally limited in use.

As far as cheapest: these CPU's are all out of production so finding one means you'll have to take chances. You might find used ones, or you might find 'new old stock' that they're asking a premium for. In the end, it may not be worth it since you'll not get a whole lot of performance out of this old tech no matter what.
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I do not agree, the 1090t is a processor with a 125w TDP, which this mother does not support, only up to 95w, and the best CPU you can put would be the 95w 1065T that overclocked can go very far, it is a very good processor, I think it is worth it. Regards
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