Frag Maniac
Gman450 :
Nice, Frag. I've checked all your videos so far. Very interested to see you take on Chapter 10. I feel that was the most challenging and difficult one throughout the whole game.
A lot of people say chapters 6 and 10 are the longest and hardest. I just got through chapter 6. The funny thing is, once you get that burning house part started right, it can go well enough to make it look easy, even with minimal resource use, but with the minimal space you have it's also easy to get tagged by one of the Haunted and game over. So what you'll see although looking simple and easy, took many hours of trial and error. Plus the Sadist (chainsaw guy), Zehn and Neun (twin giants), and Sentinel (big dog) take up quite a bit of resources, even if you don't kill the dog.
Conversely with Chapter 10, while the Amalgam Alpha (big monster) can take a fair amount of resources to kill, you can bring it to the rage phase with stealth and minimal resources, and there's exploding barrels to help finish it off, plus lots of resources in the parking garage where you battle it. Laura, doesn't take much but matches and a pistol, plus maybe one grenade and a shock bolt to take out a wall mine and slow her down while you pull the door lever the mine is by. With her the difficulty is timing and knowing where to run and what to do. Speed is of the essence. All battles once you know the game well and challenge yourself with added difficulty become more about how many resources you have to spend.
I'm about to upload Chapter 6. It was an editing nightmare because I paused the game once I got past the burning house and lowered brightness, which I usually have set to 85. There's a flaw in the game you can see even in the middle of the cutscene where Seb and Joseph run out the tunnel and close the big doors when they escape the burning house. It clearly shows a stark jump in brightness, which makes that whole dilapidated brick architecture area outdoors where the Sadsit is look pale and almost colorless. That caused me to have to raise brightness again in the much darker underground areas after that, and because there was no convenient checkpoint to do it at like the one coming outside after the burning house, I had to clip out a separate segment and add brightness in the editor.
I also paused at many checkpoints to save my capture because there are many little battles here and there that can go well, or horribly wrong. Although with careful editing, I managed to only have to use fade out/in on a few checkpoints. The rest are nearly indistinguishable from seamless play. All this plus being up late doing it caused me to have to redo one of 3 segments I cut the game into when compressing then later appending and copying them though. I accidentally edited out the part between the Sadist kill and the guillotine scene. On top of that Avidemux was being finicky and darkening entire areas of the game, which I think was from just adding too many fade out/in effects (which is why I ended up doing clever editing) like the 2nd half of the 1st phase of the fight against the Sentinel.
Needless to say I'm glad I'm done with this chapter, and may be looking for better alternatives on editors. The reason I like using simplistic ones is they are streamlined, faster at encoding, free, and easy to use, though they tend to be quirky, especially with very large files.