Discussion What's your favourite video game you've been playing?

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I finished AC Unity. It's definitely not a bad game. But don't expect a great story. It's pretty straightforward. The characters aren't that likeable. I didn't feel attached to them all that much. The guy you play, Arno, looks like he doesn't care for the assassin brotherhood. He only joined their cause for his own reasons.

The story was fine. It's not great, but it deserves a pass from me. Overall, I'd give it an 8 out of 10.
If I compared this with all the other AC games, I'd say Rogue was slightly better than this. It doesn't come anywhere near Ezio's story but it was charming in it's own way.
The only AC game I've played was AC4 and I really enjoyed it. UPlay is easily the worst of the digital distribution services though and I try to avoid it for the most part. It sucks because I usually like Ubisoft games. I haven't played Far Cry 4 yet either just because of UPlay. I just remember playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist and having to wait for the damn game to update for a half hour every time I tried to play.
If you can, try the games with Ezio as the main character, namely- AC 2, Brotherhood and Revelations. I kinda felt the last one to be a bit of a let down, but it's the final chapter to Ezio's story.
I still reckon AC 2 as the best. Ubisoft did a great job on that one. It had so many changes from the first but they tied in the narrative so well. It's soundtrack is just mesmerising. It resonates through the entire game. I don't think I've paid much attention to a game's soundtrack more than I did with this one.
The graphics haven't gotten bad after all this time though. The character models might have, as I remember them looking a little awkward even back then.

Haha, Blacklist is a backlogged game for me. I should get back to it soon. I don't think I've played that in like 2 and a half years.
Unity was a backlog as well. It feels so nice to finally have finished it.

FarCry 4 for me, became a bit of a chore by the end. It was not like FarCry 3.
No wait, they both kinda were like that by the end. FC4 has a 'branching' storyline. You can side with someone who's more modern and realistic or someone who is more traditional and respects culture.
Just beat The Evil Within on Survival with no upgrades in just under 13:35, with 13 deaths. Now starting a no upgrade Nightmare run. I'm also now using the shortcut commands to disable the forced Vsync and heavy glare filter, so the game looks and runs way better.

Still dabbling into The Witcher 3 here and there, and think I'm getting it figured out. I mainly need to stay away from the creatures with red text ratings, and build up a few more skill and sign upgrades.

I'm almost tempted to shelve TW3 until I upgrade my hardware though, because it's very poorly optimized. I just saw a MSI 980 Ti OC for $370, which was tempting, but I'm still intent on waiting for the 1080 Ti. I was planning to check out Zen before upgrading anyway.
finally got to the end of my new game+ this passed week and have started on the Hearts of Stone & Blood & Wine quests. some of the fallen knights I have encountered around the new areas seemed almost as hard as the city guards early in the game. had to respec and change my tactics a bit to compensate.
definitely nice that there's new runes and new areas.
what specs are you running now? when Witcher 3 first released I was using a 4GB 770 / FX8350 and could keep it at mostly highest settings at 1080p and get good 50+ fps. with my 8GB 290X and 4790K it just flies through at highest settings at 1440p getting ~70fps. seems to be pretty well optimized to me, but maybe only when you've passed a certain tier in system power.
may also be some setting changes for your GPU or ingame you could use to improve gameplay.

was very tempted to get the reduced price 980 ti(s) when i saw them dropping all over. but i have fought it off for now. also awaiting a GTX 1000 series unless the R9 400s turn out to be better/cheaper than I expect.
with my 8GB 290X and 4790K it just flies through at highest settings at 1440p getting ~70fps.

I don't think you and I have the same definition of highest settings :lol: I average ~55 FPS at 1440p with my 6700K @ 4.6Ghz and EVGA Superclocked 980 Ti. All settings at maximum.

Waiting on a 1080 Ti myself. Should give me several years at 1440p and with VR which I'm sure I'll get at some point.
it wouldn't appear that another 2GBs of VRAM at lower speeds would make that much of a difference but all sliders are pushed all the way to the right except depth of field, blur settings, vignette, & chromatic aberration turned off. all Crimson game profile settings at default. stays in the high 60s, closer to 70fps.
Frag, I hope you don't have hairworks enabled. It cuts off a lot of performance even if it's only just turned on for Geralt.

I've started on the Blood and Wine too now, since I finished up AC Unity. I missed this game. The expansions seems to run better than the base game. I've only reached Toussaint. They did a really good job with the colors. At first, I didn't really like the new palette, but as I played on I began to like it even more than the base game's.

I've also been playing Residet Evil 4. Man, is this game fun or what? The combat pacing is slow, but there's a reason for it. The guy you control, Leon, takes forever to turn. The environments are claustrophobic and it doesn't allow you to manoeuvre much. An enemy might be just a feet away on your left or right but you can't see them unless you start slowly turning. It adds to the tension though. I'm not the kind of person who plays a horror game, but so far I'm liking it.
I might try out the Evil Within once I'm done with this game. They look almost similar.
I'm on a 7970, i7-950, and 8GB RAM. It's similar to a 770, but keep in mind I only have 3GB VRAM, and this is an Nvidia endorsed game, not AMD. In White Orchard I was using mostly High settings, but once I got to the bigger Velen map, and started taking on harder creatures like the Bacilic, I saw it getting laggy. It's mostly for harder combat scenarios that I keep it toned down now.

Are you insane, Hairworks on my now mediocre grade 7970, no way. Hell, Hairworks isn't even very well optimized for Nvidia cards, let alone older gen AMD ones.

You'll like TEW even more than RE4 if you like a good challenge. Otherwise it might be kind of off putting. TEW requires a lot of diligent stealth and scrap harvesting on higher difficulty modes, because there's places where you have to use a lot of ammo.

Haha, I was just curious. The performance issues you mentioned seemed really odd. Only now am I aware of your PC specs.

Since playing RE4, I'm really starting to get the urge to finally play some survival horror games again. The last one I played, I think, was Alan Wake and that was quite some time ago.
I just saw a video of the Evil within. That chainsaw guy in the beginning looks haunting.

Alan Wake was definitely a good game, but I think The Evil Within is better. In gameplay it's even better than RE4 if you like a good challenge, because on Akumu mode, no matter how well you know the game, it is still fairly hard.

For The Evil Within though, I highly recommend using the commands to disable the forced Vsync and the horrible glare filter they use, which also somewhat washes out colors, and blurs textures.

It's a night and day difference with the glare filter off, and I don't even get any screen tear with the vsync off. Removing both also boosts performance quite a bit. You can easily disable both with shortcut commands.

If you're inclined to make videos, ones of The Evil Within with the glare filter disabled would look quite good, and astonishingly, I've not found any on the net made that way. If you get the game and you need help using the commands, just ask.

Just saw this today and it was appropriate since I really just started playing Fallout 4 again this past weekend.


I finished Black Mesa with all the achievements. Getting the hat to Xen was one of the hardest achievements I've ever done.
In terms of singleplayer is gotta be the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series and Half-Life series with their unique atmosphere and world, especially S.T.A.L.K.E.R. set in an eastern European (Ukraine) location, which i can totally relate too. I really liked if it would be more surviving and exploration and less shooting and fighitng.
Like playing in my home country 😀.
In multiplayer, it's the ARMA series with the astonoushing team play and true battlefield simulation, and even World of Warcraft with the numerous possibilities in talents and playstyle.

FPS wise: Wolfenstein The New Order and Wolfenstein The Old Blood. Phenomenal FPS single player games.
The New Order was great. I picked up The Old Blood in the summer Steam sale and haven't got to it yet but I will soon.

Just preordered Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and the season pass. There aren't many games I'll pay full price for much less preorder. Fallout 4 was the last one and Mass Effect: Andromeda will be the next one.
everything but the chromatic, vignette, & blur effects on and maxed. after the latest patch i've gone back and done a little benchmarking at those settings.

recorded fps in 5x 1 minute segments on different maps with FRAPS
1080p with Crimson Enhanced Adaptive Multisampling & Morphological filtering: averaged 69fps, lowest was 56.
1440p with Crimson default: averaged 62fps, lowest 47. Hairworks on everything but at lowest settings: avg 66, low 52.
though frame rate is capped at 69fps so at 1080p probably capable of a bit higher.

@ anort3
doesn't seem to be much of an issue these days, and you'd probably have noticed it by now, but maybe you've got some other taxing regular processes always running in the background? i would really hope that the 980 ti would offer more, most benchmarks i see have it slightly ahead of the 390X even.
just played through the pre-alpha System Shock demo and the Doom demo. those and the new Wolfenstein games remind of why first-person shooters became popular in the first place.
all 4 are great games(can tell System Shock will be again anyway), enjoy those much better than the military Battlefield, CoD, etc.

After putting a lot of hours (without finishing it; wanna get 100% on the first run 😛), I can totally recommend the new DOOM.

It's like Mirrors Edge meets Hell, but with big guns. Plus you get to play with a basic upgrade system.

I'm waiting on No Man's Sky. Only a few more days left. The negativity surrounding the game is just too high. Almost everyone I see in comment sections are full of criticism regarding gameplay and what you do in the game.
A recent leak also suggested that reaching the end goal (or just a goal) in the game took about 30 hours or so. That looks like a decent number to me, but to several people it's a turn off. They all expect 100 hours or more which is definitely possible if you go on at least 100-150 planets out of the 18 quintillion they claim.

I think the negativity has more to do with the belief that the game will be boring/repetitive. I hope not, but if it's like ED, then no thanks. I reeeally wish someone would do a new Freelancer game.
I'm aware of the game but so far it hasn't made it to my 'buy now' list. If it comes out and is amazing that might change but as of now it's going to be one to catch on sale at some point.

Seems like you might like DOOM, I believe the original Doom games ran off the quake engine but I'm not sure if the new one does. Also I had a lot of fun playing Shadow of Mordor (you can pick up the GOTY edition for $5 on G2A.com), and I really enjoyed Borderlands (1 & 2) as well as Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (it's from ~2003 so it's fairly dated it's also not a FPS but I recently got in to it and am really enjoying myself!)

Hope I could help. :)