t99 :
You really need to just watch the trailer to For Honor, it looks amazing.
It's not so much the combat, graphics, or gameplay in general I'm skeptical about. The story is just weird, a God-like being just decides to pit various medieval warriors of different times together. I'm one that typically cares more about gameplay than story too.
Worse yet, the trailer makes it look like not much is explained regarding why this event came about, and why this scenario exists. It would take some pretty creative story telling and character tie-ins to make it immersive, but I get the feeling you only get that vague intro to excuse it all.
If the only explanation or details of the premise are what's shown in the trailer, that would leave it feeling very contrived and shallow. You look at Wikipedia's page on it, and there's nothing about a plot or story. The devs have also been pretty vague about it.
Then again, I almost passed on Doom 2016 for looking too shallow and arcade in the trailers, and it's one of the best games out this year. Maybe For Honor will be like a medieval version of Doom. Some games can still be fun, even with little to no story.