I really liked Mad Max too. If you haven't played it RAGE is a similar game. RAGE is a good game that could have been epic with more development.
Yeah I played Rage, but was not nearly as impressed as with Mad Max. Id could have really exploited the underground areas more in Rage, but instead they turned it into extra stuff you have to shell out more money for. Sure it was cheap, but given how small the map was to begin with, should have been included. It should also have included not just sewers, but caves, which when you think about it, would be more prevalent than sewers in such an environment. There was also a lot of doors in camps that didn't open.
I also didn't like the map or vehicle stuff as much. Vehicles in Mad Mad are a bit hard to control, especially in Death Runs, but you really just need to find ways to deal with it. The graphics in Rage are also horrible, not anywhere NEAR as good as the trailers made it look. It's really funny it took them 6 years to make, because it looks in many ways like a cheap "value" game. Carmack admitted in his lengthy keynote speech after it released that the excessive time of production was largely due to his not communicating effectively with his team.
Lastly, I know part of what took a while to make Rage was the introduction of Megatextures, along with an engine that could handle them, but IMO Megtextures will always go down in gaming history as Carmack's biggest blunder. Megatextures do nothing to benefit games or gamers. They require static skies with no weather, many of the textures are blurry, the game world is usually smaller, and they are also why many doors are not accessible. They are basically just a huge texture file that has to come with these limitations to load quickly enough.
Clearly when tasked by their new owners Bethesda to come up with a way to speed up production time, Carmack didn't care what Megatextures did to the quality of the games. I have respect for what he did initially for gaming, but he left a bit of a smear on it before stepping down as lead dev at Id.