When is 5870 coming out??

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Sep 16, 2009
Im new to this forums.

anyways, building a new computer of budget of $2000 (PC parts only)

anyways, in the newegg's shopping cart, there are every components and the total is $1550 (shipping included)

And just waiting to add the GPU... arggg this is killing me here.

either to go with Dual 4890 xfire or single GTX 295 or single 5870....

And as you can see, crank it beyond 19x12 and the GTX295 loses, and Crashes even. So that doesn't put the GTX295 above the HD5870, it just says that at lower settings it is able to pull out a lead (while both are playable), but the HD5870 still has higher ma playable settings, therefore wins.

If a GF8600 beats and HD4870x2 and GTX295 @ 640x480 because the other two cards have higher multi-GPU CPU overhead, a situation where all are playable just one is getting 200fps and the others 180, that doesn't make the GF8600 a better/faster card overall, just in that specific case it's putting out more fps because the others are...
5870 eyefinity= alot
5870x2 eyefinity=(explicit)!!!!! you cant charge that much for a graphics card

it would not make sense for nvidia to lower the price of the gtx295 yet, it is wierd that ati would price the 5870 below an inferior card, maybe its like the athlon ii x4 strategy
Yeah the GTX295 cards is for a small market of nV fans to begin with it's not a value card play so little point in majorly reducing that price.

The area that will become interesting will be what happens to the GTX260/275/280 market and the rebranded G8/9 series which do compete on value, once the other models come out, like the HD5770 and HD56xx series. I think in that segment you'll see a fire sale.

Yea, and if the 5870x2 is around the 599.99$ range then that would mean that Nvidia's next Flagship will cost around 699.99 or more..... Funny since you will end up with 2 options.... Build a new rig or buy a redonculous GPU.....
not really, 4870x2 was 599 when the gtx295 was released for the same price, now you can get a 4870x2 for under 400$, if nvidias card is actually as powerfull as they say, i doubt it, but if it is , most likely they wont charge more than 5870x2

A) stupid thing to say as many people on this forum haved said they play on their 32 and 42" TVs from time to time.

B) When talking about overall performance of a card you take everything into account, weather or not you play at the settings the 5870 is clearly a more powerful card if he can play something that goes beyond unplayable to crashing on the GTX295.

AMD/ATI has made it very clear before that it isn't about overpricing their product, most of their sells in both CPU and GPU are do to the fact they have always priced very well, even when they had amazing products.

By offering a better card for cheaper they plan to hit Nvidia hard, try and win some of the fanboys over and seal the deal on anyone who could have leaned one way or the other. They will take a hit on profits for individual cards but they have a chance to take a large amount of the market shares.

It is a balancing game of getting enough money for each card and getting more customers, which in turns means making sales they wouldn't have other wise.
All the Nvidia Fanboys saying blah blah the 295 beats the 5870 in 11 out of 14 games. Uh one its a dx10 last gen card, two its a dual gpu card and cost a fortune still, three how many people actually own one. The 5870 will be DX11 out of the box,will be a single gpu and cost less at release than a last gen dx11 295 does now. So go play with your 295 with its handful framerate win over the 5870. I'll take a 5870 next week and you can suck on my DX11 dust trails with more money in my pocket for a second 5870 in Xfire.

You forgot to mention that future drivers will give the 5870 even better performance and probably lift it over the GTX 295.

On the TV, you can only get 1920*1080, right?? Only 30" monitors give you the 2560*1600.

Uh, no.

TVs CAN get higher resolutions, but they are more expensive and more uncommon TVs of course (usually for the commercial market right now);


And if you spend st00pid money you can get 2K (Quad HD) TVs in the 80+ inch range.

But they are starting to consider 2160P TVs for more than just the Japanese market, especially since you can show 1080p native at 4:1 pixel ratio.

However, on most TVs, yes 1080P is still standard.
Several rumors are going out that the ATI numbers are actually lower than the 295 optimum numbers, just like last time when the 4870 was said by ATI that itd compete with the 9800gtx, when we all saw it competing with the 260 and winning as well.
Give it time, theres absolutely no way, if the specs weve been given, the 5870 will be slower than a 295, simply because, its in essence 2 4890s in 1 card, which are equal to 2 275s, BUT, theres no SLI/CF to slow it down, and only games that scale 100% for the 295 will it be even competitive, and itll still lose in those, especially at higher res
Yeah, I'd always chose an equal or slightly slower single card to a dual GPU card. SLI/Crossfire add more CPU load and incompatibilities (and I like to play older games as well, like good ole Tie Fighter from 1995, runs great on a 4850 and Vista 32).

When you had up the the money for the 275's you might end up just better getting one 5850 and being done with it rally. It might be a bit more but not a bank breaker.

It's not about money it's about personal choice and I would rather choose a pair of 275's than the first gen DX11 card from either side. 😉

Fair enough. I am personally waiting on the higher end air cooled ones to come out. When I start my next build I simply don't have the cash to go watercooling the whole thing (and all my parts from my other builds are in another state.) So I want the Atomic or Vapor-X versions.

Still is there a reason for the 275? I would think CF 4890 would be a better bet, or actually come to think about it once the 5XXX come out the price of the 285 might be looking really good.
The 680i board rules out Xfire and the only reason for losing the 88's is because one is likely to go into my mother's 'new' rig because she wants 19 x 10 on her 32" via DVI/HDMI and the second is heading to my friends rig so his son can play better games than a 6200 can manage.