michaelmk86 :
This benchmark (clike here)
That's the same benchmark you said that you "Doubt the credibility of that article...."
Interesting how you keep returning to the article you have credibility issues with.
simple because ati have to release hotfix for a lot of new games in order to perform properly, that is what you get with ati you have to wait for hotfix like always).
Whereas nV doesn't release hotfixes, they just prefer the GTX295 crash and get '0' fps in games, on a card that like you say is 9 months old, or even better twice on 2 year old cards in that review you like to point to;
Those games seem to work on the 512MB ATi cards, but not on the nV ones strangely enough, must be that ATi had a Hotfix or something. :lol:
Also, notice the performance of the GTX295 in that first one too, below the GTX280, whereas the HD series does Xfire ok.
You talk of the overall 12% which is heavily biased to older games, I don't think anyone cares about the comparative performance of these cards in the original FartCry (in which nV was previously caught cheating) where the HD5850/5870 get 130/155fps and the GTX295 gets 280fps, that skews the percentage, but doesn't reflect what these cards are going to be purchased for or what makes one better than the other.
As for Batman and Need for Speed, funny that you mention the games crippled by TWIMTBP not titles that are open to both and then a crap console port, guess in order for nV to impress you they need to cripple the game first. [:thegreatgrapeape:5]