Where are the women?

dude this is the graphic forum. We got man dressed as woman? u want some of that action?

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy+119% Money Fanboy
GeForce 6800 Ultra--> The Way we thought FX 5800Ultra is meant to be played
THGC's resident Asian and nVboy 😀
do u really want to know?

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy+119% Money Fanboy
GeForce 6800 Ultra--> The Way we thought FX 5800Ultra is meant to be played
THGC's resident Asian and nVboy 😀
Do a search for a member named 'wingding'.

<A HREF="http://rmitz.org/AYB3.swf" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2216718" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
search for user dhlucke

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy+119% Money Fanboy
GeForce 6800 Ultra--> The Way we thought FX 5800Ultra is meant to be played
THGC's resident Asian and nVboy 😀
<A HREF="http://www.moviewavs.com/Movies/Blazing_Saddles/whitewmn.wav" target="_new">LOL!</A>

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy+119% Money Fanboy
GeForce 6800 Ultra--> The Way we thought FX 5800Ultra is meant to be played
THGC's resident Asian and nVboy 😀
Well, Coolsquirtle asked me to check this thread to infect it.

Also, DHLucke has done a good job making a preview of me.

Now, my dear, we have dillydallied long enough. Please, bend over and receive your customary welcome by me.

I was gone for a while from here and came back as the Honorary Gigolo, so just listen to me and all will be fine. *sinister devilish face as some members already realize what is to come and be expected from me*

Also...do you like fingering?

<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.php" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>More updates and added sites as over <font color=red>62</font color=red> no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:
and Dhlucke

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy+119% Money Fanboy
GeForce 6800 Ultra--> The Way we thought FX 5800Ultra is meant to be played
THGC's resident Asian and nVboy 😀
OOoohhh, I thought the rumours of 'Eden' were just that, rumours, and <i>fairy</i>tales. :evil:

Seriously, howdy!

BTW, you linning up a job at FS this summer? Not a bad time to get discounts. 😎

Anywhoo, peace be with you, eh!

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
i wanna go to Best buy 😛

and Grape

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy+119% Money Fanboy
GeForce 6800 Ultra--> The Way we thought FX 5800Ultra is meant to be played
THGC's resident Asian and nVboy 😀
With guys like you on the forum, I'm not surprised that there are no femail members, and would you expect them to show their hand just to be bombarded with sexist pants like this!!

At this rate, this could be the most popular thread on the board, uless it gets killed!

You could also ask are there any gay or lesbian overclockers out there?

MIS645Ultra/2.4G A-Pent/2*Corsair 256MBit CL2-2-2-7XMSLLPT PC3200 DDR RAM/450W Enermax PSU/1*40Gig 7200rpm Wes-Dig/1*20Gig 7200 Hitachi Disk/GeF3 Ti200 LeadTek G-Card running 520/230 Ram/Core MHz.
Most popular thread on the BOARD? Which, this or the entire THGC?

<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.php" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>More updates and added sites as over <font color=red>62</font color=red> no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:
Bloody FutureCrap makes you take an online test and if you're not enough for what they're looking for, they freakin' lock you out of anymore chances before 6 months. Talk about assholes... 😡

PS: Oh looky here, they just reset my form!
<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.php" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>More updates and added sites as over <font color=red>62</font color=red> no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Eden on 05/26/04 12:06 PM.</EM></FONT></P>