Searched the title from YT and it was 1st result. 0 results from Google though.
Getting the title right when searching is critical.
Oddly specific and original? No.
If you search from Google and on the Videos tab with the keywords of Arduino Lego Nerf Target
, then you'll get plethora of results. Showcasing the target systems, tutorials on how to build these etc. And these 4 words are also the first four in your video title.
Naming one's own video properly is actually complex process and there's even a (big) science behind the naming of the video. Like which keywords to use, their order, etc. Just putting general words as your video title will bring up plethora of videos of that subgerne of Lego building.
Then, there's also how Google indexes the video. Your video has two upvotes and 0 comments. Most likely not enough for Google to index it, meaning that the video isn't popular and not worth of promotion by Google and it's search. Channel subscription count also plays a role in the algorithm.