Hi there! Im thinking of upgrading my CPU to a better one but the problem is that im not the best with computers and doesnt know a single thing about this stuff.. Would appreciate a answer so i doesnt spend my money on stuff that doesnt work.
This is the CPU ive been looking at, does it even fit or should i get another one? - https://www.inet.se/produkt/5301516/intel-core-i5-9400f-2-9-ghz-9mb#specifikationer
CPU - https://prnt.sc/12ndyas
Motherboard - https://prnt.sc/12ne0qd
This is the CPU ive been looking at, does it even fit or should i get another one? - https://www.inet.se/produkt/5301516/intel-core-i5-9400f-2-9-ghz-9mb#specifikationer
CPU - https://prnt.sc/12ndyas
Motherboard - https://prnt.sc/12ne0qd