
Jun 21, 2007
I am offered these 2 OCZ at almost the same price for my new PC (P5K-Premium, Q6600-G0, EVGA 8800GTS-320MB, WD7500AAKS , 2xSATA DVD-RW, P182).

1. OCZ 2G (2 X 1GB) 800DDR2 Reaper HPC Edition (4-4-4-15) - OCZ2RPR8002GK
2. OCZ 2G (2 x 1GB) DDR2800 Dual Channel Platinum REV 2 XTC Edition(4-4-4-16) - OCZ2P800R22GK

Not sure which one to take. Since Item-2 is Dual-Channel, it should perform better, right?

OCZ REAPER RAMs has better cooling , but the platinum has a better timing 4-4-4-16 , although it isnt much better than 4-4-4-15 , overall the reaper will be better in OCing because of very good heatpipes , are u sure the reaper one isnt dual chanel ? how could 2x1gb isnt dual channel ? give me the link of it