Question Which of these budget cpu to buy?


Sep 6, 2018
I've been planning an upgrade for a while now and it's time to plan cpus. I'm not sure if I should grab an R7 2700(X) or an i5 9400f. The amd costs an extra 50/60 euros here and to me that's quite the difference. The build is intended for gaming use mainly, maybe stream VERY rarely for my friends and (don't know if matters to cpus) photoshop work.
Can't find benchmarks on my main games, sea of thieves and dead by daylight, so any help would be appreciated.
You will need to also take into account the cost of the motherboard. How do they vary where you are shopping at? What about RAM speeds? Is DDR4-3200 (recommended for AMD) more expensive than DDR4-2400 (Intel average)?

-Wolf sends
3200 ram is a bit more expensive at 70 while 2400 scrapes the 60 euro mark (avg). The mobo is a good question. Amd wise it would be a general B450M 60€. However Intel has many types of motherboards which I'm not sure to choose from, but just for the sake of it I picked out a B365M DS3H at 75€. Do the math and it's a 5 euro difference. I'm not counting shipping but it will only change 1 or 2€.
If I had a nickel for every, "...but I saw on YouTube..."...

The only way you're going to get to the truth of the matter is to go out and purchase 10 identical Intel based systems and 10 identical AMD based systems. Install Windows, the latest drivers, and benchmark programs for each system and run them each the exact same way. Throw out the high and low scores for both AMD and Intel scores and take the average of the eight remaining systems for each.

Since no one is going to go out and do that, your guess is as good as mine or anyone else's. So take your pick. For me, if costs were that close, then I'd lean more towards what the benchmarks say for what my main purpose is.

-Wolf sends
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If I had a nickel for every, "...but I saw on YouTube..."...

The only way you're going to get to the truth of the matter is to go out and purchase 10 identical Intel based systems and 10 identical AMD based systems. Install Windows, the latest drivers, and benchmark programs for each system and run them each the exact same way. Throw out the high and low scores for both AMD and Intel scores and take the average of the eight remaining systems for each.

Since no one is going to go out and do that, your guess is as good as mine or anyone else's. So take your pick. For me, if costs were that close, then I'd lean more towards what the benchmarks say for what my main purpose is.

-Wolf sends
The benchmarks say ryzen by a little and the ones sent by afro_ninja also say ryzen but the specs on the ryzen, the faster ram and cheaper mobo combo seem appealing enough to me. I really appreciate your answers Wolf you really helped me here.