Newegg has gone crazy man; just take a look at this combo, couldn't believe when I saw it:Agreed.. E4300.
But if dirt cheap dual, the AM2 X2 3800+ (saw $109 NewEgg) can make the P-D 945 ($189 NewEgg) look pretty bad. :lol:
Im down in Wellington. Just got the 4300. Definitely go for it. Overclocks easy as, and the price aint too bad, even for NZ prices.
Well,logainofhades got one of these cheap combos and sent that X2 3600+ to 2.8GHz without even pushing on the voltage.
Im down in Wellington. Just got the 4300. Definitely go for it. Overclocks easy as, and the price aint too bad, even for NZ prices.
3600+ is kinda low how high can you over clock with that chip - i usually use the 4200+ or 4600+ with better mobos.
those low end boards let you clock 2.6ghz? or 2.8ghz? anyone know?
Well, at least when you've finished the paper post a link to it so we can rip it to shreds and humiliate you. At least that way we will get some payback for the time we invested! :twisted:Thanks for all the replys guys. btw i knew the the e4300 was waaaay better its jus i had to do this paper on forum communitys and the like.