Question White screen on game startup ?

Mar 23, 2022
I have read multiple other threads on this and gathered that my gpu is not overheating, it never gets over 50c nor does my CPU. I completely wiped gpu drivers and reinstalled in safe mode, and it still happens, when I open games they are fine until i play for about 30 seconds my pc white screens/black screens/green screens. It has even been multiple different colors lol. The thing that is weird to me which tells me my GPU is not completely done for is that this problem started 2 weeks ago and then it didnt happen even in marathon gaming sessions for 5 days, then happened again where i couldnt play for even 10 seconds before it would happen.

Then i messed around with it again and nothing happened for another few days and now its happening where i cant play for even a second before it white screens. Given that its not drivers or temperature problem, Im not sure what else it could be. Checked that it wasnt just my monitor, checked that it wasnt my displayport cable, i tried hdmi. I have no other systems i can lend a graphics card from to test if it is the gpu. I have also read it could be the psu but as i said i have no other systems to test on.
Any input would be appreciated. Thank you!
I can browse my pc and use the internet watch videos etc but games kill it

GTX 1080
I7 6700k
not sure about ram/mobo but both are nice. This was a build in like 2018 and was pretty top of the line at the time.
Switch to your onboard graphics and see if this persists. If it doesn't you can try to use Msi afterburner and reduce the settings on your core clock, and memeory settings a little at a time on you gpu and see if you can get a picture back while gaming. If that doesn't work it may be time for a new gpu.
Sorry forgot to add that when you adjust the settings each time you will have to save the setting, then start the game, turn off game, adjust the setting, restart the game and repeat. Until hopefully you find a setting that works. I would try one slider at a time, then the other, then both at the same time.
What is the make/model/age of your PSU? A GPU getting inconsistent power can do strange things.

I agree with Fix... Try the onboard graphics.
EVGA 750 G2

Its intriguing that it only happens in certain games, ill try what Fix said with changing settings and all that, then try onboard graphics. I started my pc up this morning and first thing i did was open "The Forest" and immediately crashed when the world began loading. Other games let me play for hours though, i played golf with friends and rocket league for a few hours last night which are less resource intensive.